휴면예금 찾아줌 Find dormant deposits

The People’s Financial Promotion Agency, a government site used by many people, provides a service to find people’s dormant savings accounts among the services for the common people.

However, there are many people who do not know if there is a service called ‘Find Dormant Deposit Account’, which is a service for checking dormant deposit accounts. 휴면예금 찾아줌

Today, we are going to look at how to use the dormant deposit finder service that allows you to inquire about these dormant deposit accounts. 좋은뉴스

휴면예금 찾아줌

Information on dormant accounts/deposits/insurance payments
Dormant deposit retrieval service
What is a dormant account?
Dormant accounts refer to deposits and insurance money held by banks or insurance companies that customers do not visit even though the statute of limitations on claims and claims has expired.

What is dormant deposit?
Dormant deposits refer to deposits that have not been retrieved even after the statute of limitations (5 years) has elapsed after deposits have been made at the bank.

What is dormant insurance?
Dormant insurance money refers to cancellation refunds and dividends that are not returned even after the contract period between the insurance company and the policyholder is over.

There are many common people with dormant accounts, deposits, and insurance money as described above, and the most common case is that the deceased did not find their existing insurance money or deposits, so they can inherit them.



How to check dormant deposit and apply for payment
Dormant deposit inquiry process
Online dormancy advance payment application process
Access to dormant deposit search service -> Dormant deposit inquiry -> Personal information collection and use agreement -> Joint certificate authentication -> Dormant deposit inquiry and payment application

After applying for payment, it will be deposited into the requested account approximately 10 to 15 minutes later.

Offline (visit) payment application process
You can apply by visiting the branch of the financial company that has contributed dormant deposits or the financial integration support center for the common people (branches nationwide) and filling out the application form.

If you are applying by a representative, additional documents are required, so we recommend that you inquire in advance.



Various ways to inquire about dormant deposits
Inquiry of dormant deposits can be done through the dormant deposit finder service provided above, but the inquiry is also supported through the website of the Financial Services Association.

1. Federation of Banks (Integrated Dormant Account Inquiry System)

2. Life insurance/non-life insurance inquiry

3. Inquiry of the Mutual Savings Bank Federation

4.Ministry of Public Administration and Security Government24 (Government Civil Application Portal) inquiry

5. Financial inquiry service for heirs of financial supervisory authority

6. Inquiry through my insurance search service

As mentioned above, there are various services that allow you to inquire about your dormant deposits, but the most recommended method is the easiest way to find them through the dormant deposit search service provided on this site.

How to donate dormant deposit
You can also choose to donate without withdrawing the dormant deposit. If the amount is small or not necessary, it would be good to do good through donation.

When a donation is made through these dormant deposits, it is donated to the People’s Finance Agency and used for the public. Anyone can make a donation by filling out the dormant deposit donation agreement.

Dormant deposits donated to the Low-income Financial Promotion Agency are being used for self-reliance and self-reliance of low-credit and low-income people.