토스뱅크 체크카드 혜택 Toss Bank Check Card takes a new leap forward with ‘Switch Cashback’… Increased choice and perceived benefits ↑ < Banking < Finance < Text of article - Financial Today

토스뱅크 체크카드 혜택According to Toss Bank on the 1st, along with rebranding, Toss Bank introduced the ‘Switch Cashback’ service and introduced a new ‘Event Cashback’. ‘Event Cashback’ plans to provide various cashback services, starting with ‘Lucky Cashback’, which provides a cashback benefit of up to 3,000 won for every three payments.
In addition, we have added ‘Intensive Cashback’, which allows customers to receive up to 500 won back from 20 brands in 8 frequently used areas, and ‘Anywhere Cashback’, which customers receive for every payment without having to worry.
Toss Bank emphasized that it has further strengthened customer choice while maintaining the same customer experience of receiving cash into the bank account immediately upon payment, which was the first check card introduced. Customers can choose the cashback benefit that suits them and use the service.
‘Switch Cashback’ allows customers to choose the benefit that suits them. The explanation is that, as it has been receiving a high response from customers, it has maintained the broad framework of instant cashback while allowing customers to choose one of three cashback benefits.
‘Event Cashback’ is the first service introduced by Toss Bank, and is expected to provide a new check card experience through a cashback service that takes customers’ needs and fun into consideration.
The first event cashback, ‘Lucky Cashback’, allows customers to draw a cashback of up to 3,000 won (minimum payment amount of 10 won) for every three payments made.
‘Intensive Cashback’ is a service that provides concentrated cashback from over 20 brands in 8 areas frequently used by customers. With this rebranding, the brand area, which had expanded to include movie theaters and subscription services (OTT), added ‘YouTube Premium’ to the subscription service and added a new health and beauty area.
Customers can receive 500 won when paying over 10,000 won in the area of ​​their choice, and 100 won when paying less than 10,000 won. Areas with high customer preference according to consumption patterns were in the following order: public transportation → convenience store → taxi → coffee → other.
‘Cashback Anywhere’ is a service that minimizes customer concerns and inconveniences. You can receive cashback every time you make a payment, regardless of the brand or location. Not only PC rooms, but also supermarkets and sticker photo machines are all included, so customers do not have to worry about ‘where should I pay?’ at every payment moment.
A 100 won cashback is provided for purchases of 5,000 won or more, and a 1% cashback is provided for purchases of less than 5,000 won.
This cashback benefit will run until the end of January next year. Customers can change their desired cashback benefit once a day, up to 5 times a month. If you change the cashback benefit in advance when you want, you can also use ‘customized’ benefits for each situation.
Overseas payment benefits apply regardless of the cashback promotion used by the customer. Benefits include 2% cashback on overseas spending and exemption from overseas ATM cash withdrawal fees. However, when using overseas ATMs, the withdrawal fee of $3 per transaction is exempt.
Toss Bank declared ‘Benefits, I choose myself’ as the catchphrase for this rebranding. It emphasizes that you can choose the differentiated customer experience and benefits of the Toss Bank check card, which allows money to be deposited into your account immediately after payment.
In the case of existing credit card companies, customers had to check whether benefits were applied every time they made a payment, or check whether discounts or points were accumulated according to the benefits. Toss Bank boldly eliminated these customer inconveniences and introduced instant cashback benefits for check cards. By increasing customers’ choices, they can enjoy benefits according to their situation and needs, while also improving customers’ perception of benefits, such as cashback design and fun according to consumption patterns. He explained that it was raised.
As of the end of July this year, the cumulative number of Toss Bank check cards issued exceeded 5 million. Toss Bank analyzed that this was due to the introduction of services that take into account changing customer consumption patterns through strengthening cashback benefits and expanding brands.
Last year, with the addition of ▲movies (CGV Lotte Cinema Megabox), ▲desserts (Dunkin Donuts, Baskin Robbins), which were the most popular industries for customers to purchase, this March ▲subscription services (OTT such as Netflix, Disney Plus Wave, memberships such as Coupang Wow and Naver Plus) Zoomed in.
It is explained that the design of the ‘Toss Bank Check Card’ based on trendy colors also contributed to its high popularity. With colors reflecting the latest trends, the issuance rate was high in the order of lemon blue → night pink → orange milk → purple green, and it was spotlighted as a fashion item for customers.
A Toss Bank official said, “This rebranding of the Toss Bank check card was planned to increase customer choice while considering benefits, convenience, and fun.” He added, “We hope that the newly introduced cashback benefit will become a more popular service among customers, and we will continue to do so in the future.” “We will continue to add check card benefits that are relevant to our customers’ daily lives,” he said.
Financial Today reporter Kim Seon-jae

토스뱅크 체크카드 혜택
