칼로커트 가격 및 후기,효과,부작용 총정리 Comprehensive summary of Calocut prices, reviews, effects, and side effects

This post is about Calocut’s ingredients, effects, price, and side effects.칼로커트 가격

Many people are interested in and put effort into dieting, but they often fail. The Calo Cut product we are introducing today has been a non-starving diet health functional food that has achieved a lot of sales since 2012, and is also a global brand exported around the world, so let’s take a closer look.

칼로커트 가격



Calocut products have been sold steadily since 2012 and can be said to be a diet legend with cumulative sales exceeding 64 million packets. The reason why it has been loved for a long time is because the repurchase rate exceeds 92%, which shows that the level of satisfaction is high.




Calocut contains ingredients called green tea catechins and whole aloe leaves, which are functional ingredients recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and are effective in dieting.


In the case of green tea catechin, a functional raw material, a decrease in a total of 9 indicators was confirmed as a result of human application tests, as follows.

weight loss
Reduce abdominal fat area
reduction in hip circumference
waist circumference reduction
Reduction in body fat mass
Decrease body mass index
Reduce total fat area
decrease in BMI
Reduction of subcutaneous fat
Aloe whole leaves can help with bowel movements, allowing you to start your day refreshed.




If you take Calocut with water twice a day after meals, you can get the following benefits.

body fat reduction
Antioxidant management help
Helps improve blood cholesterol
Increased intestinal moisture
Smooth bowel movements by promoting colonic movement



Prices fluctuate from time to time through discount events, etc. and are currently as follows.

1+1 promotion: KRW 298,000 (2 months)
2+2 promotion: KRW 536,400 (4 months)
3+3 event: KRW 715,200 (6 months)


side effect
Calocut products contain functional ingredients approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, so there are no side effects, but hepatotoxic side effects may occur if consumed in large quantities. And because it contains caffeine, it may cause nervousness and insomnia.



Above, we learned about the effects, price, and side effects of Calocut ingredients. As it is a diet health functional food, it can be consumed by not only women but also men. It will be of great help to those who want a balanced body, have difficulty losing body fat, frequently eat fatty meals or company dinners, and have difficulty in bowel movements. thank you