카카오페이지 캐시 싸게 How to recharge Kakao Page Cash for free and economically ::

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Recently, Kakao Page released good movies for free. I had a fun time watching relatively new works for free on weekends or holidays. Even if you only use the content provided for free like this, you don’t need to charge Kakao Page Cash separately. Still, I prepared it for those who want to use paid content and those who collect Kakao Page cache and watch webtoons. I hope you don’t miss the movies that are released for free.

If you press the upper left corner on the main screen, you can recharge Kakao Page Cash from the Cash Recharge/Use History. For me, free content and free cash that I will explain later are sufficient. If you want to recharge Kakao Page Cash for a fee, you can get a discount of up to 10% by using a cultural gift certificate.

If you look at the open market, cultural gift certificates are usually sold at a discount of 9% or 8%. If you’re lucky, you can get it with a 10% discount. Among the payment methods, select Gift Certificate -> Cultural Gift Certificate. Let’s save a little bit and read the webtoon. Or just collect the free points that I’ll tell you about from now on, it’s enough!

Ah.. Kakao Page can be downloaded from KakaoTalk like this. You can also search for it in the App Store. There are a few things to keep in mind when signing up to receive free cash. You must agree to all options, such as ad message push pop-ups, that are requested when signing up. You can change it in the settings after signing up, and when I tried it, there were no push notifications other than free cache notifications.

When you sign up, you will receive 500 cash as a signup gift. It is important to use the caches that you receive for free as they expire as short as 7 days.

For free cash recharge on Kakao Page, click the free banner every 12 hours on the main screen and enter.

You can receive up to 1,000 cash draw tickets. If you wait after watching the first webtoon, you will receive a notification of the draw ticket as shown below.

If you connect the link, you can go directly to the Kakao Page Cash Draw. You can pick it up here. Most of them are only 300 or 200 cash.

The free cash collected in this way expires in a very short period of one day, so you must use it right away. In addition to this method, if you send a message to 3 close friends, you can view them for free.

Learn how to recharge Kakao Page Cash. I think you can make good use of Kakao Page by enjoying webtoons moderately like me and watching free movies one at a time rather than paying a fee.

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