청년몽땅정보통Applications for participation can only be made online, and can be easily done at the Youth All Information website (youth.seoul.go.kr).
The Youth Allowance is a program that provides a subsidy of 500,000 won per month for up to 6 months so that young people living in Seoul can focus on career exploration and job search activities. It also provides career counseling by experts and special employment mentoring lectures. As a result of last year’s satisfaction survey, 99.0% of project participants responded that it helped them achieve their personal goals.
Those eligible for youth allowance support are unemployed young people and short-term working young people aged 19 to 34 years old, residing in Seoul according to resident registration as of the date of application. They must not be enrolled in school or on leave from school, have graduated with the highest level of education, and must have an income of 150% or less of the median income. .
However, if the number of applications exceeds the number of applicants, low-income young people will be selected first. In the case of basic livelihood recipients (recipients of livelihood, housing, medical, and education benefits) and the next-lowest class, if the youth allowance is counted as income, they are excluded from support because they cannot receive existing welfare.
Unemployment is verified by whether or not you are enrolled in employment insurance, and in the case of young people working short-term, you must prove that you are employed short-term for less than 30 hours a week or for less than 3 months through an employment contract.
In addition, young people participating in similar projects such as the Ministry of Employment and Labor’s National Employment Support System and young people who have already participated in the youth allowance project (2017-2023) are excluded from the target.
■Strengthening sense of belonging and responsibility as a policy participant rather than a beneficiary… Appointment of mentors, establishment of standards for cash usage
Meanwhile, Seoul City is planning to reorganize the youth allowance project so that it goes beyond simple cash support and becomes a policy that helps young people grow on their own.
First, in order to transform youth allowance participants from policy beneficiaries to leading participants, last year’s participants who succeeded in employment and independence through youth allowance are appointed as mentors to help with life planning and career exploration.
It is expected that the original purpose of the youth allowance policy and its business effects will be maximized by sharing the personal experience of growing up through the youth allowance and again with young people who have newly participated in the youth allowance.
Strengthen more transparent budget execution and management of how youth allowances are used. Accordingly, starting this year, only youth allowance check cards must be used, excluding the three major cash usage criteria such as housing expenses, living and utility expenses, and education expenses. Monitoring and verification of youth allowance use will also be strengthened, and if inappropriate cash use is confirmed, youth allowance will be issued. Measures such as suspension of payments may be taken.
Looking at the items that can be used for cash in detail, housing expenses include lease and monthly rent, housing-related loan expenses, and housing management fees; living and utility expenses include electricity, gas, and water bills, communication expenses, and health insurance premiums; and education expenses include student loans and certificates. ·There is a test fee.
If you use cash for these items, you must submit supporting information in your activity record prepared every month.
We provide a comprehensive package of self-reliance support, including various programs, to support project participants from self-exploration to successful employment to help them explore their career paths and prepare for employment.
Programs provided as a comprehensive package of self-reliance support include strength diagnosis to help career and self-exploration based on self-understanding, career mentoring services by job experts to help job seekers and improve job capabilities, special lectures on employment, and company visit programs.
In addition, support will be strengthened to increase the success rate of employment during the youth allowance participation period through organic connection with various resources in Seoul, such as job cafes, job matching reinforcement counters, and employment academies. If a person succeeds in finding employment, half of the remaining payment will be paid. We also continue to provide incentives that include a lump sum payment for employment success.
The city held a large-scale orientation event for project participants before Monday, April 29, the first payment date of the youth allowance, to encourage a sense of belonging and mission as participants in Seoul’s youth policy and to ensure proper use of the youth allowance in accordance with the purpose and guidelines. plans to help.
Other details, such as the youth allowance recruitment schedule, qualifications, and future schedule, can be found in the notice or FAQ posted on the Youth All Information website (youth.seoul.go.kr).