처음 주식하는 방법 Learn how to stock for beginners who are new to stocks

처음 주식하는 방법How to buy stocks for beginners

First, select the securities company you want to trade stocks in, and open a securities account with the securities company.
And you can start by transferring money to your securities account.

Enter the stock order window using the securities company HTS or MTS. Stocks can be purchased at the current price or at the market price.
Most of these days, I do stocks with computers or smartphones, but today’s post will tell you about this.

To trade stocks, you must first open a stock account. Of course, you must have a stock account to trade stocks, right?

In order to actually trade stocks, HTS or MTS are convenient to use.
HTS is an abbreviation of Home Trading System and refers to a program that uses a computer to trade stocks.
MTS stands for Mobie Trading System and literally means a program for stock trading using mobile.
Many people look at various features when choosing a securities company, and many people want something simple but fast. Also, if the commission is low when trading stocks, this will also be the criterion for choosing a securities company, right?

Considering these various criteria, it is necessary to find out about the ranking of each individual’s preferred securities company.
If there is no big difference between most securities companies in terms of software functions, you will choose a lot of securities companies with low fees, right? Today’s post is not about a specific securities company, so please choose a securities company by looking at the criteria above.

There are three ways to open a securities account.
These days, most of the stock accounts are opened non-face-to-face. This method has the advantage of not visiting in person, but it also has the advantage of being able to participate in events.

If you have opened a securities account at a securities company, you must deposit money into the securities account in order to actually engage in stock activities, right?
Depositing money into a securities account is simple. Since most of them create a securities account by linking their bankbook, in most cases, you can deposit a certain amount of money from your bankbook into your securities account by entering the password in the Deposit/Delivery menu.

So let’s look at how to buy stocks using HTS.

Most stock programs have similarities. Of course, if the method used by each stock company program is very different, ordinary users can get confused, right?
The most important thing is how to ‘buy stocks’. Usually, most programs will have a tab called ‘Orders’. After setting the price you want to buy here, set the quantity, and click the cash buy button to complete the order immediately.
There is one thing to note here. Just because a stock order is completed does not mean that you will have stocks unconditionally, conditions must be met. However, if you choose a higher price, most purchases are complete.

In today’s post, we learned how to open a securities account and buy stocks.
I will continue to tell you in the future, but the most important point in stocks is to invest in stocks without overdoing it with the amount you can afford. When you first start, I would like to recommend that you start safely without overdoing it within the amount you can use.

HTS, MTS, stocks, how to stock, stock accounts, securities companies

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