주민등록등본 인터넷발급 방법 How to issue a resident registration certificate online

Financial institutions, etc. often request a copy of resident registration.

I will briefly introduce how to issue a resident registration certificate online without visiting the local office in person.

주민등록등본 인터넷발급

주민등록등본 인터넷발급

1. Issuance of resident registration certificate online
There are three main ways to issue a resident registration certificate.
Among them, the simplest method is to use the Internet.

If you use the Resident Registration Copy Issuance menu on the government 24 site, you can immediately issue and print it.
Other issuance methods include using an unmanned issuance machine and visiting a local government office to obtain an issuance.


The method of issuing a resident registration certificate online is simple.

First, go to the site below and click the ‘Issue’ button to log in to Government 24.



Go to issuance of resident registration certificate


Then the screen below will appear. After selecting the address, issuance type, and receipt method on your resident registration, click the submit application button and the process for issuing your resident registration certificate online is completed. And online printing is possible right away.


Issuance of resident registration certificate online
2. Unmanned resident registration copy issuance machine
We will also briefly introduce how to use the unmanned resident registration certificate issuance machine.

When you visit the community center, you can immediately issue a resident registration certificate by paying a fee of 400 won.


However, community centers have fixed business hours, and it is inconvenient to take a number and wait for your turn.

Therefore, we recommend using an unmanned issuance machine to obtain a copy of your resident registration, next to online issuance.


Finding the location of the unmanned resident registration certificate issuance machine is simple.

We recommend that you visit the site below, select a region, and check the location.

Click here to apply for employment incentives
Find out the location of the unmanned issuance machine


Installation location for unmanned civil service issuance
Installation location for unmanned civil service issuance
3. Internet issuance of health insurance qualification certificate

A certificate of eligibility for health insurance can also be issued online, just like a copy of resident registration.

Please refer to the post below to get it issued.

We have written about four simple ways to issue a health insurance certificate of eligibility.