2024 전국민 일상지원금 신청방법 How to apply for the 2024 National Daily Support Fund

If you look into subsidies these days, you can see interesting information called “2023 Everyday Support Fund for All Citizens.”

전국민 일상지원금

전국민 일상지원금

I was also caught up in this keyword and researched it, and came to know the shocking fact that it was fake news.

How did this fake news spread?

Perhaps, it could be seen as an opportunity to face the slightly upsetting current situation in Korea.

Let’s take a closer look at it together.

2023 National Daily Support Fund?
For people who have difficulty making a living, the government provides support of up to 350,000 won per person.

An article saying that it is provided to all citizens without any conditions was searched for the word ‘everyday support fund to all citizens’.

Dozens and hundreds of articles are posted and are even exposed in news articles.


There were so many up-to-date posts that I wondered if there was some kind of support being provided that I didn’t know about.

However, all this information is false.


You may be thinking that there is so much information and news on the Internet that it must be a lie, but all of this is a lie.

As of December 2023, there is no government subsidy called daily support for all citizens.

It’s fake.

Why is fake news spreading?
So why is the Internet overflowing with posts like this?

Just two years ago, in 2021, national support funds existed.

As the economy slumped due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government distributed subsidies to all citizens.

There was an unprecedented case in history. Strictly speaking, even at this time, it was not targeted to all citizens.

COVID-19 disaster relief funds were provided to the bottom 88% of income earners.

We deposited 250,000 won per person, or 1 million won for a four-person household, without any conditions.

I am not a basic livelihood recipient or a basic pension recipient, but there are no conditions or application procedures.

The experience of the government depositing cash into your bank account must have been an unfamiliar but sweet experience.


In addition, there was a lot of support for small business owners who suffered damage due to social distancing measures.

The keyword ‘national subsidy’ is all too familiar to all of us.


However, as of December 2023, no government subsidy is being provided to all citizens.

It is said that instead of providing subsidies to all citizens, the trade balance has worsened and real estate transactions have decreased, resulting in taxes of 52 trillion won, mainly for negative people.

The government’s position is that it will not organize a supplementary budget to reduce the rapidly increasing debt caused by COVID-19.

In this situation, the subsidy provided through taxes to all citizens is even more contradictory.

2023 Fake news for daily life support funds for all citizens
Nevertheless, if you search for national daily support funds in the Naver search bar, you will find many posts.

These articles emphasize 2023, announcing that this is the latest government that came out this year, and using keywords such as all citizens and daily life.

We have deliberately and intelligently introduced the image that anyone can be eligible for subsidies.

There are even a lot of comments on this post, thank you all. I hope it is implemented. etc.

But all these search terms and postings are lies.

There is no information on when, how, and under what circumstances the subsidy will be provided.

Of course, it doesn’t even tell you where to apply.

It’s fake.
In some posts, there is a box to apply for a national subsidy, but if you actually click on it, you will be taken to an advertisement page.

This page was created with subsidy as the keyword.

If you click the arrow again, a promotional page titled “Valor Income Daily Support” will appear.

If you think about it simply, these are advertisements, but I also get angry because I think it’s closer to a scam using the government’s disaster relief funds.

Considering the amount of postings and the completeness of the page, the organization is rushing in and advertising without any intention.


When you search for news pages, Internet media sources produce provocative titles.

Can anyone get it? These are titles that seem to exist for daily life support for all citizens, such as eliminating transportation costs.

However, if you look at the content of the article, all it says is that there is no such subsidy.


How to prevent fake news?
As there are numerous posts posted online, you must be careful when obtaining information through posts.

We live in an age of information overload where it is difficult to tell whether something is fake or real, so we need to be careful.

As Korea’s economic prices rise, we search to see what kind of subsidies are available.

I hope that there will no longer be such shocking facts using subsidy keywords that take advantage of the public’s feelings.

We hope that you will not be deceived by these false information and articles.

If there is a subsidy targeting all citizens, such as a national disaster relief fund, it can be provided through the responsible agency.

It’s a good idea to check it accurately.

Alternatively, it may be a good idea to use the notification service through the Ministry of the Interior and Safety National Secretary app!

And this problem is related to information security.

I wonder if this is an area that requires sanctions and management from the government or search platforms.

2023 Fake news solution to daily life support for all citizens
In modern society, where information is power, search and quick access to information are often utilized for marketing purposes.

I also realized that verifying the facts of information is as important as the 2023 National Daily Support Fund fake news incident.

If you think about what solutions there are to solve fake news, you will end up taking legal responsibility.

I wondered if there was a way to make people take responsibility for that post.

If it were defined as illegal and severely punished, wouldn’t you be a little more cautious when writing?

In fact, media companies that spread fake news are subject to civil lawsuits, and in some cases, criminal punishment.


If we want to discern for ourselves, it would be good to check duplicate facts.

In fact, you can find out the truth by just clicking on a few posts, but it seems a bit difficult to avoid provocative keywords.


I personally felt proud of the fact that people’s information is updated so quickly that Korea is called an IT powerhouse. I need to write based on factual content. This is something that has made me feel a lot, too haha.

We hope that you too will develop your ability to discern information!