자동차 번호판 교체 Car license plate replacement method, expenses, and all required documents – office worker writing today

자동차 번호판 교체Today, I would like to briefly summarize the documents, methods, and costs required for license plate replacement.

The place to visit is the same for both damaged license plates and for obtaining new license plates. You can visit the vehicle registration office nearest to where you live. Depending on where you live, there are places where you can proceed together at the ward office, so please check it out. In the case of the district office, it is not necessary to visit the place where the first release was reported. After the visit, you can receive a new license plate by completing the registration process, submission of application documents, and payment process.
When registering a new vehicle, get a license plate provided at the vehicle registration office and install it. When the license plate is damaged, you can apply for a new issuance while maintaining the existing vehicle number. After filling out and submitting the application for reissuance, upon receipt and completion, receive and install the license plate from the license plate manufacturer.
It is not possible to obtain a new license plate while maintaining the 7-digit number before replacing the old license plate with the new license plate. You must return the old license plate you used. If you submit and receive an application for reissuance of license plates, you can get new license plates issued.

If you summarize the above, you can think that it costs around 50,000 won based on a new license plate. For reference, in the case of imported cars, you need to purchase a license plate guard separately. If you search for license plate guards, there are various types. If you purchase the type you want in advance, you can save a little money.
I’m also thinking about changing to a new 8-digit license plate this time. I hope this information has been of some help to those who are planning to replace license plates.

자동차 번호판 교체
