인터넷 만화방 BEST3 BEST 3 Internet Comic Rooms

Internet Comic Room (Summary)


인터넷 만화방

인터넷 만화방



*Reference when visiting online comic stores.



You can collect and view free comics

Internet website

There is.



From paid comics to free comics

Even premium comics

various types of

There is a cartoon.



Paid comics too

After a certain period of time

so you can see it for free

It’s free if you wait

There is a title.



When watching cartoons

A must visit

About Internet Comic Rooms

Let’s find out.







largest comics website

Comic book stores hold events

I do it often.



It’s still a spring event

I’m doing a flat-rate event.

If you participate, additional

4,000 won

They say they will pay more.





In addition, just attending every day

Comic book store available

You can get points.



Above all, when watching cartoons

The most useful thing

It’s about payment.



Paid comics are also available at the comic book store.

If you wait a certain time

available for free

Free event if you wait

I’m doing it.







and in fact

Payment cost for paid comics

Mostly not burdensome

It’s around a few hundred won.



That is why

Free works by comics artists

If you enjoyed it

Pay for paid comics

It’s not bad to see

I think so.





Especially the funnier the cartoon.

Premium comics or paid comics

more in category

I think it’s included.






The premium comics genre category is

When you access an online comic book store

You can see it at the top.



Comics are divided by genre.

Especially before paying

Volume 1 free work

After understanding the content of the cartoon

Because I can see it

Please refer to this as it is very useful.