인스타 줄바꿈 The inconvenient Instagram line change has finally been updated.

인스타 줄바꿈But now it looks like there has finally been an update on Instagram. At first, I used the Instagram blank.com site, but it got too annoying, so I added ‘.’ and added a line break. Today, while writing an article, I inadvertently divided the paragraphs with the enter key without ‘.’ as if writing on a blog, and it ended up being written with clean spaces.

You can change the line with the enter key without using anything.

I wondered if the updated content had become an issue without my knowledge, so I searched on other portals, but no one mentioned this update. Most of the content posted at the end of last year, as well as the content posted early this year, only provides instructions on how to convert and use it on the website.

I searched Google to see if any Instagram-related updates were exposed, but I couldn’t find anything. Is Instagram quietly making updates and waiting to see when users will notice?

I was wondering if it was just me who was strange, so I checked around and saw that the space was applied with the Enter key, so I guess there was an update to the app function. I’ve definitely confirmed it on Android, but I haven’t confirmed it on the iPhone yet. I think it may have been updated at the same time, but if you are using an iPhone and cannot input a space with the Enter key, try using a period.

Try using a period.

It is said that if you put a period at the end of the post and press enter, the line will not break, but if you press enter without putting a period, you can do a line break, so simply apply it this way.

I wonder how surprised those who are already familiar with the existing method of converting and changing lines will be when they find out that line breaks can be done with just the Enter key ^^

I hope that Instagram, which has been used by users for a very long time despite the inconvenience, will update other parts so that more things can be applied within the app itself rather than using additional extensions. Personally, this update to insert a space through the enter key is very welcome news!

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인스타 줄바꿈
