우리은행 이체확인증 Complete safe transactions with Woori Bank transfer confirmation

Proof of financial transactions: Using Woori Bank transfer confirmation certificate
1. What is Woori Bank transfer confirmation?

Woori Bank transfer confirmation is like a receipt that appears when you send money from Woori Bank. Just like you receive a receipt when you lend money to a friend, a transfer confirmation is an important document that proves you sent money.

2. In what situations is a transfer confirmation required? 우리은행 이체확인증

When giving a gift: When you want to send money to a friend as a birthday present, you can prove that you really sent the money through a transfer confirmation certificate.
When lending money: When lending money to a friend, you can record when and how much you lent through the transfer confirmation.
When buying something: When buying something on the Internet, you can show the seller that you really sent the money through a transfer confirmation certificate.
Tax reporting: When filing taxes online at year-end tax settlement, you can prove the taxes paid through a transfer confirmation.
Scholarship application: When applying for a scholarship, you can prove your tuition payment details through a transfer confirmation.
Civil complaint handling: If you need to prove financial transaction details during administrative procedures, you can use a transfer confirmation certificate.
3. How do I issue a transfer confirmation certificate? 이베이스매뉴얼

A transfer confirmation certificate can be easily issued using mom or dad’s cell phone o

우리은행 이체확인증r computer.

1. Ask mom or dad to turn on the Woori Bank app.

The Woori Bank app can be downloaded from the app store on Mom or Dad’s phone.

2. Run the app and log in with your mom or dad’s account.

It’s best to ask your mom or dad how to log in.

3. Press the [Transfer/Payment] button in the menu at the bottom of the screen.

4. Press the [Transfer Result Check] button.

5. Remember the date and amount you sent the money, find the transaction history and select it.

6. Press the [Issue transfer confirmation] button.

7. Once the transfer confirmation certificate is issued, it can be displayed or saved on the mobile phone screen.

4. Why should I keep the transfer confirmation certificate carefully?

The transfer confirmation certificate is an important document, so you should keep it safe. Be careful not to let others see it or lose it, and it’s a good idea to organize it well so you can easily find it when you need it.

5. Tips for using transfer confirmation!

It is a good idea to take a photo or scan the transfer confirmation and keep it safely.
If you lose your transfer confirmation, you must contact Woori Bank’s customer service center immediately.
Forging or altering a transfer confirmation certificate is illegal and can result in severe punishment.
6. Quiz on transfer confirmation!

Why is a transfer confirmation required?
How do I issue a transfer confirmation certificate?
Why should I keep my transfer confirmation certificate safe?
What should I do if I lose my transfer confirmation?
7. Learn more

How to issue Woori Bank transfer confirmation certificate