연체기록 조회 Check delinquency records

We will tell you how to check your delinquency record, period, and credit card. Delinquency may not cause a major problem if it is for a short period of time, but if the repayment date for unpaid cell phone bills, credit card bills, or loans is misunderstood, or if delinquency occurs for a long period of time due to unavoidable circumstances, it may have a negative impact on your credit rating.

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✅ What if it’s difficult to resolve the delinquency right away?

How to check delinquent records
You can easily check your delinquency records online. If you are delinquent due to unavoidable circumstances, it will have a significant impact on your credit rating, so you must quickly manage your delinquency record. Since delinquency records are maintained for 1 to 5 years even after repayment, please check your delinquency record quickly and repay it to avoid disadvantages in your financial life.


You can quickly and easily check your delinquency records on the NICE Keeper operated by NICE Evaluation Information and the All Credit site operated by KCB Korea Credit View. You can do this for free without registering as a member by verifying your identity, so please take a look at the method of checking your delinquent record that we will introduce from now on and follow it carefully.

How to check NICE Jikimi delinquent record
Check delinquency records
To check your delinquency record on NICE Keeper, first go to the NICE Keeper website and go to Consumer Protection -> Free Non-Member Credit Inquiry. Afterwards, click the Apply for Free Credit Inquiry button and agree to the terms and conditions -> i-PIN authentication -> verify your identity. You can check your credit report for free, so you can check not only your delinquency history but also your overall financial health.


✅Go to NICE Jikimi delinquent record inquiry

How to check All Credit delinquency record
Check delinquency records
Checking your delinquency record at All Credit is simple. After accessing the All Credit homepage, click the ‘Free credit inquiry for all citizens’ button at the bottom right. Afterwards, you can verify your identity with i-PIN as a non-member or member and view your credit inquiry. Please note that if you view as a non-member, you will be required to verify your identity each time you conduct a credit inquiry.


✅Go to All Credit delinquency record inquiry

Delinquency period
How long is the overdue period acceptable? Even if you make a late payment, it will not be immediately reflected in your credit rating in one day. The period and amount applied to credit evaluation are set, so after a certain amount and period, it is reflected in the credit score. Delinquency is divided into short-term delinquency and long-term delinquency based on 90 business days. Details are as follows.

short-term delinquency
Short-term delinquency refers to when the overdue amount is 300,000 won or more and the overdue period is more than 30 to less than 90 days. Because short-term delinquency is not a default, you will not be urged to repay early or be seized during this period, but if short-term delinquency is frequently recorded, it will have a negative impact on your credit rating and a delinquency record will remain for 1 to 3 years.

long term arrears
Long-term delinquency refers to when the overdue amount is more than 1 million won and is more than 90 days. Since long-term delinquencies are considered default, they are subject to strong disadvantages in financial transactions, such as being urged to repay early or being seized. This can cause problems with loans or cell phone openings. Delinquency records will remain for up to 5 years, so please be careful to avoid long-term delinquency.

Credit card delinquency
If I delinquent my credit card payment, will there be a delinquency record? In the case of credit cards, the situation varies greatly depending on the delinquency date. Usually, you will receive a text message or phone call from your credit card company between the 1st and 4th of the month asking you to pay the card due, and as long as you pay the bill, there will be no record of delinquency. However, please be careful as you may be penalized if you frequently delinquent even if you have been delinquent for a short period of time.


If more than 5 days have passed since your credit card payment was delinquent, you are in a serious situation. Not only will your card use be suspended, but your credit score will drop drastically, which will have a negative impact on your financial transactions and lead to debt collection, credit delinquency, etc. Even if you pay your credit card bill after delinquency, your delinquency record will remain for up to 5 years, so please repay as quickly as possible.


We learned about how to check delinquency records, period, and credit card. There may be cases where the repayment date is misunderstood or the repayment is late due to unavoidable circumstances, but it does not have a significant impact on the delinquency record and credit score until 5 business days. However, frequent delinquencies and prolonged delinquency periods can have a negative impact on your financial life, so we recommend that you maintain a healthy financial life by checking your delinquency records.