여권 영문이름 Let’s learn about how to write Korean names in English (passport English name) and how to write English names! :: Soybean log

여권 영문이름Recently, I received a messenger asking for my English name to create an employee ID card.
Today, I will post about how to write English names and how to romanize Korean names in English.

Korean name English notation, Romanization
The Korean names have been organized into English spelling for ease of writing.

English name notation, Romanization
Personal names are written in the order of first and last names, separated by spaces. In principle, names should be written together, but it is permitted to use hyphens (-) between syllables.
Example) Park Ji-sung → Park Ji-sung
Ryu Hyun-jin → Ryu Hyun-jin

Korean name English converter
On Naver, you can find out the romanization method for Korean names and the results of commonly used romanization methods.

Convert Korean name to English: Naver integrated search
This is the Naver integrated search result for ‘Korean name conversion to English’.


This is a blog I started to reflect on things I’ve studied or gambling posts that can’t be posted on Instagram.

여권 영문이름
