엑셀 틀고정 How to fix Excel frame and use shortcut keys

엑셀 틀고정▼ There are three types of options for setting frame fixation. “Freeze Frame” freezes the row and column at once, “Freeze First Row” freezes the first row, and “Freeze First Column” freezes the first column. The “Fix Frame” option is the most used because it allows the user to fix the frame in the desired position.

▼ First, let’s look at the “Fix Frame” option. The position where the frame is created is the top and left lines of the selected cell. As shown in the picture, frames are created at the top and left of both lines. So, when creating a frame, it must be at least one space to the right and at least one space down.

▼ Frame fixing lines have been created in the first column and first row.

▼ What should I do if I don’t want to fix both rows and columns to the desired cell location, but only want to do one? As shown in the picture, there is no top frame, but I want to create a frame between columns C and D on the left.

▼ The method is to select the cell in the first row. Because there is no room at the top, there is no place to secure the frame. As a result, a frame is created only on the left line where the cell is selected. Like pinning columns, pinning rows is done in the same way.

▼ In addition to the “Fix Frame” menu that fixes the frame on the left and top, there are “Fix First Row” and “Fix First Column”. Clicking on the menu freezes the first row and first column.

▼ Use the ribbon menu shortcut key. When you press Alt, ribbon tab shortcuts appear on the screen. Pane Dock is in the View tab, so press Alt + W to move it.

▼ Next, find the Freeze Frame > Freeze Frame shortcut key. The shortcut for fixing a frame is F, so the key combination Alt + W + F was created.

▼ Lastly, this is the shortcut key under Frame Fixation. You can see that they are F, R, and C in order. The combination of all shortcut keys is as follows.
l Alt + W + F + F: Fix frame
l Alt + W + F + R: Freeze first row
l Alt + W + F + C: Freeze first column

▼ It is simple to cancel frame fixation. Select the View tab > Freeze Panes > Unfreeze Panes ribbon menu. It doesn’t matter where the cell selection is. If frame fixation is applied to the current sheet, Freeze Pane will change to Unfreeze Pane.



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