셀프 여권사진 Take your own passport photo at home (easy with the app)

셀프 여권사진App recommendation blog
hello. This is IT blogger Apple Man. A passport is something you must prepare when traveling abroad. And for this passport to be issued, a passport photo is required. I’m sure there are people who don’t have time to go to a photo studio or who can’t afford the price.

So these days, various ways to make self-passport photos are popular. To meet these needs, various applications have been released that make it easy to create passport photos. If you want to take a passport photo at home, please use this app. Please refer to the passport photo specifications and regulations as well. ^^

Create your own passport photo

▼ Make the image background transparent

There may be times when you suddenly need a passport photo or ID photo. When you lose your existing passport or resident registration card and try to get it reissued with an existing photo, you may be asked to take a new photo.

If you have time, you can go to a photo studio and take a photo right away, but there are some people who don’t have time to go to a photo studio or because it’s a bit cumbersome and want to take their own passport photo on their own.

And for these people, various self-passport photo taking apps are being created. We are introducing an app that can be used for free, so please download it and try it!

Many people misunderstand the old passport photo regulations, but the regulations changed in 2019 and many aspects have been relaxed. In the past, there were cases where people didn’t like the photos of their faces with all their hair slicked back.

Passport photos must be 3.5cm x 4.5cm long and taken within 6 months. And the photo must come out accurately, without shadows or light reflections. Please remember that excessive photoshopping is absolutely prohibited. All parts, from the forehead to the chin, must appear properly with an expressionless expression.

The part that required both ears to be visible, which previously existed, has been deleted. Previously, the photos often looked strange because the side hair was pulled behind the ears to show them, but now that the ears can be covered, I think the photos will come out a little more natural.

Even when wearing glasses, remember that you should never make your eyes difficult to see due to light reflection from the glasses lenses. If you are curious about more detailed regulations, please check that section.

The following is a self-passport photo app that helps you take passport photos at home. If you use this app, it automatically conforms to Korean standards and has a border so that you can take pictures according to the regulations, so even beginners can take pictures easily.

When taking photos, there is a green upper and lower head height limit. And the jaw line is also marked. All you have to do is adjust your fishbone to that size. Simple, right?

Once you’ve finished shooting like this, you can easily edit things like saturation and contrast. It would be a good idea to do some light editing so as not to overdo it in accordance with the previous regulations. And lastly, it is also possible to print directly using this app. The free version allows you to print 3.5×4.5, which is exactly the size of a passport photo.

You can save it and transfer it to your computer, and if your phone and printer are connected, you can print it right away, so please use the convenient method.

Lastly, if you want to take a more elaborate passport photo at home, you can also use another app. A representative example is an app like Smart Photographer.

This is a service where you select the type that suits your purpose, take a few photos, and send them to the photographer. The photographer then edits the photos and sends them to you as a passport photo. Since we only take the photos and have experts do all the other work, the photos will come out a little more complete, right?

Although this method is paid, it is not that expensive, so please try it when you don’t have time to visit a photo studio, but want better quality photos.

Well, that’s it for today’s article. For those who are short on time or money, it would be a good idea to try this method of taking self-passport photos. We also cover a variety of other good information, so please take a look. ^^
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