살 빼는 방법 How to increase basal metabolic rate and lose weight?

살 빼는 방법[Korean Broadcasting System/Reporter Lee Hoon] Many people make diet plans in the new year. However, if you limit your diet and exercise too much, it is easy to lose your strength and give up on the diet. Learn how to diet healthily while increasing your basal metabolic rate. What is basal metabolic rate? Basal metabolic rate refers to the minimum amount of energy our body needs to maintain life. Usually, when resting or not moving, energy is consumed as much as the basal metabolic rate. The basal metabolic rate varies from person to person, and a high basal metabolic rate means that energy consumption is good, so a constitution that does not gain weight even if the same amount is eaten. It will be. If you drastically restrict your diet and reduce your protein intake, your metabolism will decrease and your basal metabolic rate will decrease, which can make it difficult to lose weight. How to increase your basal metabolic rate1. Strength exercise 3 times a week The most important way to increase the basal metabolic rate is strength exercise. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn even when you are at rest. On a daily basis, when you are inactive, muscle consumes about 14 calories per kilogram, but only 4 calories per kilogram of fat. For diet, aerobic exercise and It is important to do strength training together, so we introduce two strength exercises. ▲ Lower body exercise ① Raise one foot on a chair ② Hold the center of gravity and extend the other foot forward ③ Bend the knee of the outstretched leg lower vertically It is important that the knees do not go forward beyond the tip of the toes. ▲ Core exercise ① Open your arms at shoulder width and take a plank position. ② Extend your elbows and raise your upper body. ③ Stretch your arms and legs in different directions and raise them. . It is important to stay centered so that the waist does not bend.2. Sufficient protein intake In order to increase basal metabolic rate, you must consume enough food rich in ‘protein’, which affects muscle mass. It is good to eat fish, dairy products, whole grains, beans, nuts, etc. evenly.3. More than 2L of water per day has the effect of increasing the basic metabolic rate by making the activities of the organs in the body active. It is better to drink little and often than to drink a lot of water at once. More than 7 hours of sound sleep The basic thing to do to increase your basal metabolic rate is a good night’s sleep. It is important to get a good night’s sleep for more than 7 hours a day. In particular, if you eat before going to bed, you will not be able to get a good night’s sleep due to indigestion. Breakfast is a must. Breakfast is a must to increase your basal metabolism. During sleep, your body temperature and metabolism drop and your body’s functions do not work properly, so you need to increase your body temperature and basal metabolic rate through breakfast. Vitamin D supplementation is also a way to increase basal metabolic rate. The most important thing is regular habits and exercise. If you boost your body’s metabolism and increase your basal metabolic rate through exercise and balanced nutrition, you don’t have to lose weight unreasonably.

View full article by Reporter Hoon Lee

Reporter Hoon Lee hun9229@hanmail.net

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Registration No. Seoul Ah 02188, Registration Date 2009-07-17, Publisher: Heonyang Lee. Representative: Kim Myeong-seong
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