법정의무교육 온라인 Take the 2022 statutory compulsory education online! : Naver Blog

법정의무교육 온라인2022. 7. 21. 11:54

More than half of July has already passed😮 Time flies. If you have not yet taken the legally mandated training this year, please take it online. I will inform you about statutory compulsory education in 2022📣
Sexual harassment prevention training in the workplace is designed to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace and create conditions for workers to work in a safe working environment. ✅ Employers and all workers are eligible for training. This includes temporary and part-time workers, and employers must provide training for dispatched workers as well. ✅ It must be conducted once a year for at least 1 hour. ✅ If the training is not provided, a fine of up to 5 million won will be imposed.

Personal information protection training is training that must be conducted to ensure appropriate handling of personal information. ✅ Persons who process personal information, i.e. personal information handlers, are eligible for training, and ✅ it is recommended to be conducted once or twice a year. ✅ There are no fines for not providing training, but if a personal information security incident occurs, a fine of up to 500 million won will be imposed. Therefore, personal information protection training, which is the basics of personal information protection, must be provided.

Training to improve awareness of disabled people in the workplace is training that creates stable working conditions for disabled workers by eliminating workplace prejudice against disabled people and expands the employment of disabled workers.
✅ Training targets include business owners and all workers, including fixed-term, part-time workers, and dispatched workers. ✅ It must be conducted once a year for at least 1 hour. ✅ Failure to provide training will result in a fine of up to 3 million won.

Safety and health education is training that educates workers about safety and health measures to prevent hazardous and hazardous factors in the workplace and industrial accidents, so that workers can perform their work safely. ✅ Workers at workplaces with 5 or more full-time employees are eligible for training, but employers are excluded. ✅ Training must be conducted four times a year, every quarter. Office workers and sales workers must conduct at least 3 hours per quarter, other workers must conduct at least 6 hours per quarter, and management supervisors must conduct at least 16 hours per year. ✅If training is not provided, a fine of up to 5 million won will be imposed.

Lastly, retirement pension education is provided to workers who have subscribed to a retirement pension to understand and operate the retirement pension system. ✅ DB type and DC type subscribers at workplaces that have introduced a retirement pension system are eligible for training. ✅ Must be conducted at least once a year. ✅ If training is not provided, a fine of up to 10 million won will be imposed.

As the COVID-19 situation continues, non-face-to-face contact has become more common than face-to-face contact. Please also take the 2022 statutory mandatory training easily online and non-face-to-face.
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◇ Banjang Kim Premium
◇ Captain Kim Program
◇ Banjang Kim Edu

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