발로란트 청약철회 바로가기 Go to VALORANT subscription cancellation

Today, I will explain how to do OTE (exceptional withdrawal) and general subscription withdrawal in Valorant.

발로란트 청약철회

발로란트 청약철회

Of course, you need to know your Riot ID and PW. There are quite a few people who don’t know about automatic login, but you need to know your ID PW!

Conditions for cancellation of subscription
Skin has already been used. Except for exceptional cancellation, cancellation is not possible.
Although the skin has not been used, cancellation of subscription is not possible after 3 days after purchase except for exceptional cancellation.
If the skin has not been used and less than 3 days have passed since purchase, general subscription cancellation is possible.
This is a condition for cancellation of subscription 🙂

How to cancel subscription
Valorant subscription cancellation official site

Go to the official Valorant subscription cancellation site.

+ Exceptional subscription cancellation is done in the same way as general subscription cancellation on the site above.


Click Cancel subscription for in-game content using VP and Radianite points.

Valorant subscription cancellation
The VALORANT subscription cancellation terms and conditions are as follows.


If you would like a refund, please apply through the inquiry form below.
If you have not used VP within 7 days of purchasing it, you can cancel the payment without a fee. Otherwise, a refund will be issued with a 10% fee. Weapons purchased in VALORANT with VALORANT points (VP) or Radianite points. Do you want to cancel your subscription for skins, contracts, or other content?

In Valorant, you can cancel your subscription for purchased content in the following cases:
Unused content purchased within 7 days with VP (refunded with VP)
Unused content purchased within 7 days with Radianite Points (refunded with Radianite Points)
Log in below to check the content you can cancel and cancel your purchased content through the following list. If you cannot cancel your subscription for certain content, it is likely that the cancellation period has expired. Is your purchased content not showing up in the list? The content may be one for which cancellation of subscription is not possible. If any problems occur, please contact us through the contact form below.

Currently, cancellation of subscription is not possible for products other than gun skin products in the purchase history below.
If you wish to withdraw a product such as a battle pass, battle pass level, agent contract, or agent contract level, please contact customer support.

VALORANT subscription cancellation site
Now click Login on this site and log in with your Riot ID. The button will then change to ‘View Purchase History’.

Subscription cancellation screen
Now on this screen, check the ITEM, PURCHASE DATE, and quantity, and click the / REFUND button under the cancellation request.

Subscription cancellation has been completed successfully!
Subscription cancellation has been successfully completed. So far, we have learned about how to cancel a subscription in Valorant.