무료사주 사이트 추천(회원가입 X) Recommended free fortune telling site (sign up X)

As a year passes and a new year approaches, people become curious about the fortunes and fortunes of the new year that will begin. There are places where you can pay to see things, but there are also sites where you can see free fortune telling and free fortune telling without paying money.

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How about using the fortune-telling and fortune-telling service provided by Shinhan Life Insurance to its customers to tell their fortunes and fortune-telling for the year of Gapjin?

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Go to Shinhan Life Insurance’s free horoscope
Shinhan Life Free Fortune Fortune Types
Authentic fortune telling
Life fortune
Go to Shinhan Life Insurance’s free horoscope
The Shinhan Life Insurance website provides free fortune telling and fortune telling services as a benefit to customers.

Shinhan Life Insurance’s free fortune telling service can be accessed using the method below.

Shinhan Life Insurance website>Benefits>Life services>Fortune/fortune telling

Shinhan Life Free Fortune Fortune Types
The fortune-telling/fortune-telling services provided by Shinhan Life Insurance include authentic fortune-telling, life fortune-telling, and affection/compatibility.

Authentic fortune telling
In the authentic horoscope menu, you can see Tojeong secrets, monthly comprehensive horoscopes, lifetime horoscopes, and fortunes to become rich. First, Tojeongbigyeol analyzes the good and bad fortunes of life based on Lee Ji-ham’s book and reinterprets them for modern times.


Monthly Comprehensive Horoscope is a service that allows you to enter your date of birth and view your comprehensive horoscope for this month or next month. And the lifetime horoscope is not just a year’s horoscope, but checks your lifetime horoscope in advance and draws your fortune in early, middle, and late years.


And there is a fortune telling that many people would be interested in. Through the management of wealth, you can see when the path to wealth is in your favor.

Life fortune


Life horoscopes include menus such as today’s horoscope, weekly comprehensive horoscope, and today’s tarot. To view your daily horoscope, simply enter your date of birth and time of birth to view it immediately.


Weekly horoscopes allow you to understand the flow of your fortune for the week and see fortunes that may be helpful in your life for the week.





It can be said that fortune telling is of most interest to those who are not yet married or are looking for their future half. Shinhan Life Insurance’s free horoscope service includes Finding My Love Half, My Destiny’s Spouse, and Premium Compatibility Horoscope services.


Especially if you are dating someone with the intention of getting married, you can get to know each other better by looking at premium compatibility. By entering the date and time of birth of you and the other person, you can immediately see your compatibility.


Above, we learned about Shinhan Life Insurance’s free fortune telling and free fortune telling service, which allows you to read fortunes and fortune telling for fun in the new year for free. Rather than relying entirely on fortune telling and fortune telling, I hope it will help you in your daily life by checking in advance what you need to be careful about.


Another free fortune-telling site is the Nonghyup Free Fortune-telling site, so you may want to visit it for fun.