모두투어 공동구매 항공권 예매방법 How to reserve Modetour joint purchase airline tickets

I’ve only heard of such a thing, but I had no idea how to make a reservation. It turned out that the air tickets sold by Hana Tour and Mode Tour are either last-minute tickets or group purchase tickets. I will tell you about the site where you can reserve airline tickets at a special discount and how to make a reservation.

모두투어 공동구매 항공권

모두투어 공동구매 항공권

1. Meaning of missed airline tickets and group-purchased airline tickets, misunderstandings and truth
Hana Tour calls it a last-minute ticket, and Modetour calls it a group purchase ticket. Missed tickets are tickets that are allocated by an airline to a travel agency, but are resold to customers at a discount because the travel agency is unable to use up the available number.


The unit price of air tickets already charged by the airline to the travel agency will be lower than the unit price charged to general consumers, and there is room for further discounts, so airline tickets that can be offered at very low special prices are used as last-minute tickets and group-purchased airline tickets. You can think of it as a basic property.


However, there is a feeling that last-minute tickets and group-purchased tickets will only be sold the day before, the day before, or at most a week before departure. That’s what it means to be left out. If so, it may be a useless system for office workers who suddenly find it difficult to plan a long vacation within a few days.


But this was a misunderstanding. When I actually looked for it, the truth was that there was a missed flight ticket site and a group purchase flight site that had a missed ticket that was canceled after 1 month. So, the last-minute tickets and Modetour tickets are tickets that even office workers can use.


This is a ticket from a ticket website that was searched on October 20th, the date of writing, and there were quite a lot of tickets for November. Of course, the closer the date gets, the cheaper the price will be.

Missed flight ticket

2. Missed tickets, group purchase ticket site, reservation method
There is a separate menu for missed tickets and group purchase tickets within Hana Tour and Mode Tour. If you click the link below, you can go straight to the last-minute flight reservation site. First, the Hana Tour travel agency’s last-minute flight ticket site is as follows.


☞ Go to Hana Tour’s missed ticket site

Share Hana Tour flight products

Last-minute airline tickets: Airline tickets for which Hana Tour sells group seats that have been contracted with the airline in advance



Also, as I mentioned, Modetour travel agency calls missed flights a group purchase ticket, and the group purchase ticket site is as follows.


☞ Go to Modetour group purchase ticket site

Travel is all tours

Final selection air itinerary Departure time Arrival time Flight time Fuel surcharge and taxes may vary depending on the ticket issuance date or exchange rate.


To make a reservation for a last-minute flight, search on the website above and then make a reservation. It’s really easy, right? Haha, I used to click on every power link for a missed flight… I really feel like a fool. If you don’t have basic knowledge, you’re bound to have a hard time.



3. Comparison of discounts on missed airline tickets and group-purchased tickets VS regular airline tickets
So, how much is the discount on missed flights and group-purchased flights? You may ask: How much of a discount will it be compared to regular air tickets? In fact, it is difficult to say exactly because the price varies so much from period to period and from gift certificate to gift certificate, but according to a current captain I saw on YouTube, you can buy it for 20% cheaper.


Since we can’t trust it for sure, we need to compare and verify it. Since I am very interested in Bangkok, I searched for Bangkok itineraries. When I searched on Modetour group purchase tickets, the Bangkok flight departing on November 11th and returning on November 15th was 406,000 won.

Mode Tour-Group Purchase Airline Ticket-Bangkok Flight
Mode Tour-Group Purchase Airline Ticket-Bangkok Flight

On the other hand, when I searched on Skyscanner, the flight to Bangkok on the same date, departing on November 11th and returning on November 15th, cost about 490,000 won, so I think the difference is really 20%. Even when you make a reservation through Skyscanner, baggage is often not included, so if you take into account the difference in baggage prices, the price difference may be larger than it actually is.

Skyscanner Bangkok flight routes

In this way, we compared Skyscanner’s regular flight routes and Modetour Hana Tour’s last-minute ticket group purchase flight routes. all. I hope you find this information useful!