맨발걷기 부작용 좋은곳 효능 10 benefits and 6 precautions of walking barefoot

맨발걷기 부작용 좋은곳 효능Barefoot walking / ⓒ Trail walking (hiking & trekking)

Barefoot walking is a craze these days.
It is not difficult to see people walking barefoot on the ground in parks or mountains with their shoes in their hands.
People who exercise and feel nature barefoot are the so-called ‘Earthing + family = people who walk barefoot.’

In fact, local governments such as Jeonju, Pohang, and Chungju are said to be enacting or promoting ordinances to promote barefoot walking.
The so-called mecca of barefoot walking is shared through online communities and social media, and it is said that there are no parking wars on weekends or holidays when people flock there, so it would not be an exaggeration to say that the whole country is suffering from ‘barefoot walking’.

Well then, barefoot walking is so good.
Shouldn’t we find out what the benefits are and what we need to be careful about and participate in the craze?

The epithet response refers to the brain’s ability to sense and control the position and movement of some parts of the body.
This is a sign that fundamental treatment is taking place, and the stronger this reaction, the higher the treatment effect.
Walking barefoot helps activate the body’s myeonghye response through direct contact with the floor.
It also plays an important role in maintaining our body’s posture and balance.

Barefoot walking / ⓒ Trail walking (hiking & trekking)

Here, we will summarize based on the content introduced in 「KBS Secrets of Birth, Old Age, Illness, and What Happens When You Walk Barefoot」.

1. Stabilization of blood pressure
You can see that walking barefoot has a much greater effect on lowering blood pressure than walking with shoes on.

Changes in vascular health index / KBS The secret of birth, old age, illness, and death

2. Promote blood vessel health
Walking barefoot improves the health of blood vessels, which has the effect of preventing and improving cardiovascular disease.

3. Increased muscle mass
When you walk barefoot, more muscles are stimulated, and as you become more involved in your steps, your muscles grow. In fact, walking barefoot develops your foot core, improves your sense of balance, and reduces the risk of falls in old age.

4. Increased body temperature
When you walk with shoes on, the effect of increasing body temperature is not that great, but when you walk barefoot, the effect of increasing body temperature is even better. In particular, when you wear shoes, the temperature of your thighs does not rise much, but when you walk barefoot, the temperature of your thighs rises, showing that blood circulation becomes more smooth.

5. Relieve stress
You can see that there is a change in stress index before and after walking barefoot and wearing shoes.

Changes in stress index / KBS The secret of birth, old age, illness, and death

6. Reduce pain
People with back pain can see a decrease in pain by walking barefoot.

Changes in pain intensity / KBS The secret of birth, old age, and illness

7. Increased sense of balance
In old age, your sense of balance can be directly linked to your life. You can see that your sense of balance is significantly improved by walking barefoot.

Changes in balance ability / KBS The secret of birth, old age, illness, and death

8. Promotes blood circulation
When you walk barefoot, your foot core develops and the strength that sends blood from your calves to your heart develops, which improves blood circulation.

9. It is also known to help with weight loss, relieve insomnia, and relieve depression.

Check out the contents in the YouTube video below.
Please click

Although barefoot walking has many benefits, excessive walking can put a strain on the musculoskeletal system, including joints, ligaments, and tendons. Wearing shoes such as hiking boots distributes the pressure on the joints when walking or running, but if you walk barefoot, the weight load is concentrated on the ankle and knee joints, which can cause pain or damage cartilage and ligaments.

If you suffer from muscle loss and arthritis, we recommend walking slowly on a flat forest path or park rather than a mountain. In particular, the elderly must be careful because the fat layer on the soles of their feet has become thinner, so if stimulated, the plantar nerve may be compressed and cause other problems.

If you are a diabetic, you should carefully check your exercise area before walking, as small wounds or blisters on your feet can spread into ulcers and lead to complications. After exercising, you should check your feet for any injuries.

People with flat feet or foot eczema or athlete’s foot should also refrain from walking barefoot as pain symptoms may worsen.

It is better to prevent injuries through sufficient stretching and to start on soft soil rather than on roads such as cement, asphalt, or urethane, and gradually move to forest paths or parks with rocks and tree roots.

It is easy to get hurt by thorns in places other than roads, such as grass, etc., and if you get stabbed by a nail or piece of metal, you can get tetanus, so it is recommended to get a vaccination in advance.

The following is a YouTube video by an orthopedic surgeon. Please take note.
Please click

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