대형폐기물 스티커 편의점 Where to sell large household waste stickers: Woowa Cleaning – Lifestyle Tips Store

대형폐기물 스티커 편의점​​

[Waste-related] Where to sell large household waste stickers

There are four places that sell bulky waste stickers. You can report it online on the district office website or by calling the waste collection company. You can purchase it by visiting a community center (village office), convenience store, or supermarket.

Where to sell bulky waste stickers
1. Online report on the district office website
2. Apply by phone to waste collection company
3. Purchase by visiting the community center (village office)
4. Purchase at a convenience store or supermarket

Online reporting on the district office website
There are five procedures for reporting bulky waste stickers online.
1. Access the district office website
2. Click the bulky waste menu (icon)
3. Fill out the application form (contact information, date, location, items to be discharged)
4. Print and attach the report certificate (can be filled out directly without printing)
5. Discharge of bulky waste

✅ Is it possible to apply via mobile?
it’s possible. Mobile is easier than PC. Since you have to authenticate yourself via mobile in the first place, we recommend purchasing waste stickers via mobile.

✅ Is it necessary to print waste stickers?
no. If you do not have a printing machine, write a report certificate on a blank piece of paper and attach it to bulky waste. It’s no problem at all if you don’t print.

✅ What if the bulky waste is too heavy to handle?
Choose one of two ways:
1. Disassemble and dispose of bulky waste
2. Woowa Clean Waste Disposal Inquiry

Waste collection company phone application
All district offices collaborate with waste collection companies to collect bulky waste. There are six steps to calling a waste collection company and applying for a waste sticker.
1. Access the district office website
2. Click the bulky waste menu (icon)
3. Waste collection company phone number
4. Proceed according to the counselor’s instructions
5. Account transfer for waste sticker fee
6. Discharge of bulky waste

✅ Is it easier to apply by phone than online?
For those who have difficulty using the Internet, applying by phone is an easier method. Apply in a way that is convenient for you.

✅ Can I pay for waste stickers by card?
Most waste collection companies still accept payment by bank transfer. If you apply via mobile, you can pay by credit card.

Purchase by visiting the community center (village office)
All community centers (village offices) sell waste stickers. There are 4 steps to purchase when visiting a community center.
1. Check the price of discharged items
2. Visit the community center (village office)
3. Buy waste stickers
4. Attach and dispose of large-sized waste.

✅ Is it sold at the community center (village office)?
All community centers and town offices sell waste stickers. If you are worried about missing out, you can check by phone before visiting.

Purchase at convenience stores and supermarkets
You should call your convenience store or supermarket and ask if they sell waste stickers. If they sell it, visit and buy it. If they don’t sell it, try purchasing waste stickers in another way.

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대형폐기물 스티커 편의점

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