농협 지금 스트리밍 카드 NH Nonghyup Card now card zgm.the pay card & zgm. streamingcard

Recently, NH Nonghyup Card received a lot of correct flex card issuance.
Even so, I think this card gives a lot of benefits.
Because our financial chatroom talked about it
I was interested in it, but when I looked at the various benefits, it seemed like a good thing, so I decided to get it issued myself.

In conclusion, the total benefit is about 24.5 million won. 농협 지금 스트리밍 카드
You can receive an additional 3.5 million won, so you can receive a total of 280,000 won.
Take a look below. 이베이스매뉴얼

농협 지금 스트리밍 카드

Payco X NH Nonghyup Card Event (correct FLEX): up to 245,000 won Usually, when designing a card, which platform you open it through determines how much you will receive in the end.
Nowadays, there are various platforms that broker card designs online. NH Nonghyup Card Event (correct FLEX) has the best benefits when issued through Payco.

It is valid until October 31st. If you apply for benefits, you can receive up to 210,000 won cashback.
The actual benefit is a structure in which 210,000 won is achieved by adding 180,000 won cashback and 30,000 won when paying for regular payments.

I’m already getting discounts on maintenance fees and mobile phones with other cards, so I think I can only get the cash back for city gas.
Those who have not already received anything with another card will be able to receive 210,000 won in full.

So where did the other 3.5 million come from?
After the card arrived, they gave new customers a chance to receive 3.5 million as an event benefit.

5,000 won cashback when spending 50,000 won within the card usage period, 5,000 won discount when paying more than 50,000 won with NH Pay, 5,000 won for domestic new sales of 700,000 won, 10,000 won for 1 million won, overseas purchases, etc. There are a lot of good things, so even if I can’t participate in all of them, I think it’s possible to get roughly 15,000 won, so I thought it was a really, really good benefit.

NH Nonghyup Card, right flex card benefits
Then, what are the characteristics and benefits of NH Nonghyup Card, the right flex card?
I looked at the service guide that came with it.

50% including coffee siren order, 10% to 20% for streaming/delivery apps, 30% for movies, 7% for public transportation and communication fees, 5% for online shopping/convenience stores, 1,000 won billing discount for simple payment

Just looking at this, the benefits are pretty good.

I’m trying to use it mainly for coffee, delivery apps, online shopping, and easy payment.
Payco check card event up to 35,000 won
Earlier, I said that you can get this card issued through the Payco app.
There is also an additional Payco check card maximum 3.5 event, so please participate in this as well.

The above card was new, but this card is a debit card, so it can be issued without any burden.

It is currently giving 3.5 million won, so it would be nice to participate as a must.