내용증명 작성방법 및 양식 다운로드 How to fill out the certification form and download the form

Today, we will learn how to write and send a certificate of contents using the Internet post office. Content certification involves notifying the other party of specific facts or sending a requested document through the post office, and can be used as evidence in the event of a legal dispute in the future.


Below, we will learn more about how to write and send a certificate of contents using the Internet Post Office.



내용증명 작성방법

내용증명 작성방법


What is content certification?

This refers to delivering documents requesting or notifying specific facts to the other party through the post office. When you send a content certification, the post office provides proof that the other party received the content, so it can be used as evidence in the event of a legal dispute in the future.


Internet Post Office Content Certification
Send certificate of contents to internet post office


Follow the Internet Post Office Content Certification

At the Internet Post Office, you can easily fill out and send a certificate of contents.


Internet Post Office Content Certification
Create and send a certificate of contents to the Internet Post Office

1. After accessing the Internet Post Office website, select the [Mail] – [Certification Service] – [Content Certification] menu.



For more information, please check the link below.


Go to Internet Post Office Content Certification

Mail – Certification Service – Content Certification

Content Certification HOME Postal Certification Service Content Certification



Content certification precautions

When writing a proof of contents, you should keep the following points in mind:


– Enter the address and name of the sender and recipient accurately.


– The title of the content certificate should be written concisely and clearly.


– In the content certificate, the key contents are written concisely according to the six to four principles.


– Be careful because if there are lies or exaggerations in the certificate of contents, it may not be effective.



A sample content certification is attached below, so if you need it, please download and use it.

Example of proof of contents (claim for unpaid wages and severance pay).hwp


2. After filling out the content certificate, click the [Attach] button to attach the file. The files to be attached include supporting materials, contracts, invoices, etc. related to the content certificate.


3. After filling out and attaching the content certificate, click the [Preview] button to check the content.


4. If there are no problems with the contents, click the [Send] button to send the contents certification. If you apply for content-certified shipping, the post office will issue a shipping confirmation.


5. The shipping confirmation includes the receipt date, receipt number, shipping date, and shipping number of the content certificate. The shipping confirmation can be used as evidence in the event of a legal dispute in the future.



Concluding the article

Certification of contents is an important document that helps prevent or resolve legal disputes. Therefore, it is recommended to be careful when filling out the proof of contents and to keep the shipping confirmation after sending.


So far, we have learned about how to create and send a certificate of contents using the Internet Post Office.