국민내일배움카드 사용처 Where and how to use the National Tomorrow Learning Card (out-of-pocket expenses, giving up mid-term, employment) – Save me from evil

국민내일배움카드 사용처Training courses provided by official training institutions can be found on the HRD-Net website, the vocational training portal of the Ministry of Employment and Labor. If you access the HRD-Net homepage and go to [Training Course ▶ National Tomorrow Learning Card Training Course] in the top menu, you can explore various training courses and also apply for classes.

National Tomorrow Learning Card training course exploration (Photo = HRD-Net homepage)

Vocational training search provides various search conditions such as keywords, region, training type, start date, weekends and days and nights, and whether the course is over 140 hours, so that the target person can more easily find a training course that suits them.

If you have decided on a training course to take through research, you must carefully check the ‘out-of-pocket’ amount of vocational training costs. The out-of-pocket cost is the actual training cost borne by the trainee after receiving support from the trainee’s National Tomorrow Learning Card support limit.

The out-of-pocket cost is charged differently depending on the trainee’s training type and the employment rate of the training course being taken. Therefore, even for the same training course, if the participant’s participation type is different, the out-of-pocket cost will be different.

Differences in out-of-pocket costs depending on participation type (Photo = HRD-Net homepage)

Registration for training course (Photo = HRD-Net homepage)

Once you have confirmed all out-of-pocket expenses for the training course, proceed with registering for the course. Complete the application by entering the trainee’s personal information and application type. Afterwards, the training institution reviews the application and guides the trainee through the training process over the phone.

Once the start of the training course is confirmed and you are selected as a trainee, you can pay the out-of-pocket expenses by visiting the training institution in person. At this time, you must make payment using the issued National Tomorrow Learning Card. Trainees who have been issued the National Tomorrow Learning Card as a check card must have a balance in the linked account to cover out-of-pocket expenses.

Afterwards, the National Tomorrow Learning Card, like a transportation card, is used to manage attendance by tagging the attendance device of the training institution, such as trainees entering and leaving the room. Therefore, you must always bring it with you during the training period.

You can check your card usage history, support limit, course history, etc. by logging into the HRD-Net website and going to [My Information ▶ My Card].

In the case of some trainees, there are cases where they give up midway through the training course. If a trainee quits training midway without unavoidable reasons such as illness, accident, fault of the training institution, or natural disaster, a penalty of 200,000 to 1 million won will be deducted from the training fee support limit depending on the number of times.

On the other hand, if you are caught checking attendance in a false or fraudulent manner, or if you are not eligible for support but are issued and receive support through fraudulent means, the entire support limit will be deducted.

If a trainee who receives vocational training through the National Tomorrow Learning Card finds employment midway, he or she must first notify the training institution or employment center of the employment. If you have paid any out-of-pocket expenses, you can receive a refund by deducting the number of class days taken according to the training institution’s policy.

In particular, if you are a trainee who is receiving training incentives and receive training incentives while hiding your employment, you will have to return more than twice the amount if you are later caught. Therefore, please be careful not to be disadvantaged by notifying the training institution immediately after employment.

Questions about the National Tomorrow Learning Card Training Incentive Q&A
Questions about the National Tomorrow Learning Card Training Incentive Q&A
The National Tomorrow Learning Card, which supports education and training expenses to improve people’s job skills, provides additional ‘training incentives’ in the form of food and transportation expenses to trainees who meet the qualification requirements. this post

국민내일배움카드 사용처

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