국가 자격증 종류 37 types of national professional certifications and top 5 popularity rankings

Today, I will write an article about the types of national professional certifications and the top 5 popularity rankings. Recently, as people spend more time at home, they seem to naturally become interested in self-development, such as obtaining certifications. Preparing for the future with a goal rather than staying still will give you a relative sense of accomplishment and make you less mentally anxious about the future.


There are many different types of national professional certifications. The post is long. If there is a specific certification you are curious about, it is a good idea to use the search function [Use Ctrl+F keys] to find it.


Top 5 national professional certification popularity rankings
1. Licensed real estate agent
This is the most popular certification. The real estate agent exam was most popular last year. A whopping 362,754 people took the exam. Where does this much popularity come from?


Obtaining a real estate agent’s license gives you the confidence to start working right away even if you retire. This is because you can open your own real estate agent office or join as an employee. Because the study period is relatively short compared to many professional certifications, you can prepare while working.

Since the real estate price itself is so high, the brokerage fee is also very large. Another advantage is that if you complete one transaction properly, you can earn up to several million won at once. If you do not have a reservation with a client, you also have the great advantage of being able to work without restrictions on time.


As the real estate agent certification is so popular, there are various online lecture sites. Competition for lecture sites is fierce, so if you search carefully, you can take classes at a good price. If you pass, you will be able to find benefits such as a full tuition refund, free distribution of a basic glossary of real estate agent terms, and a passing briefing session.

I am introducing a link to an article that provides detailed information on how to take free lectures and how to receive various textbooks for free. This will be of great help to those who are interested in becoming a licensed real estate agent.

Top 6 free lecture recommendations for real estate agents – Collection of free textbook materials [compilation]

We have compiled recommendations for free online lectures by real estate agents and ways to receive free learning materials. Those who want to prepare for the exam and those who have just started can study for free or at a very low cost.


The purpose of real estate agents is to contribute to the national economy by soundly guiding and fostering the real estate brokerage industry and establishing a fair and transparent real estate transaction order. In addition, a certified real estate agent is a license introduced to increase public confidence in the brokerage business and performs real estate brokerage, management agency, consulting, provision of brokerage management information, commercial real estate sales agency, and auction purchase application agency work.


If you are curious about detailed information such as the real estate agent exam schedule, passing rate, test subjects, and study methods, please refer to the article below.


Introduction to simple study methods for each subject of the real estate agent exam

Introduction to simple study methods for each subject of the real estate agent exam

Last year’s real estate agent exam ended in October. It is time for those who passed to leave and those taking on new challenges in 2021 to get busy. If you have not started preparing yet, go to a certified real estate agent.


2. Security instructor
In order to effectively respond to social diversification and the increase in crime, the private security guards created to play a complementary role to the police force, that is, the security guards in charge of personal protection of people, protection of national important facilities, and safety of facilities, are efficiently deployed. In order to train professionals who can manage and supervise, a qualification system has been introduced in the Security Guard Industry Act, and those who are qualified will guide and supervise the above security guards.


They can perform duties such as facility security, convoy security, personal protection, guidance and supervision of special security guards, and training. You can perform the role of a security instructor at a security company, and the opportunity to be promoted to a higher position increases due to certification at a security company. As the role in the security industry is expected to increase in the future, the role of a security instructor is expected to increase accordingly. It is becoming.


3. Housing manager
The assistant housing manager carries out the operation, management, maintenance, repairs, etc. of the apartment complex and manages the necessary expenses. In order to maintain and manage the common area of the apartment complex and the auxiliary facilities and welfare facilities of joint ownership, and perform safety management duties, This refers to a person who has passed the assistant manager qualification exam.

In order to manage apartment complexes safely and efficiently and protect the rights and interests of apartment residents, we carry out operation, management, maintenance, etc. of apartment complexes, manage necessary expenses, and maintain common areas of apartment complexes and jointly owned auxiliary facilities and welfare facilities. We perform housing management services, including management and safety management.


If you have more questions about housing managers, please refer to the article below.


Introduction to housing manager exam subjects, including salary, passing criteria, and lectures

Introduction to housing manager exam subjects, including salary, passing criteria, and lectures

Summary of housing manager exam subjects, annual salary, lectures, etc. A housing manager literally refers to a professionally qualified person who manages housing. Professional manpower is needed to properly maintain apartments and other apartments.


4. Agricultural product quality manager
Agricultural product quality management was introduced to protect producers and consumers of agricultural products and establish distribution order for agricultural products by minimizing damage to consumers and producers and ensuring the reliability of country of origin labeling, as violations of the country of origin labeling of agricultural products increase rapidly every year.


They may perform tasks prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as necessary for determining the grade of agricultural products, controlling the shipment timing of agricultural products, advising on quality control techniques, etc., and other tasks necessary for improving the quality of agricultural products and improving distribution efficiency.


5. Highly appraised road traffic history
A road traffic accident appraiser is a certified qualification created to produce experts who scientifically and systematically investigate and analyze the causes of traffic accidents. A deep understanding of traffic-related laws is required, and accidents that occur on the road may be investigated or recreated. After the investigation is completed, we prepare a traffic accident evaluation form and report it.


Obtaining this qualification will help you become a public official who carries out public affairs related to traffic accidents, and you can also get a job at a related company or become a private appraiser.



Types of national professional certifications

1. Affiliates

A franchisee refers to a nationally qualified dealer who has passed the franchisee qualification test conducted by the Fair Trade Commission, completed practical training in accordance with the Presidential Decree, and registered with the Fair Trade Commission.


The franchise transaction system contributes to establishing a fair trading order for franchise businesses, reviewing the business feasibility of franchise businesses, education and training of franchise business parties, consultation or advice on the preparation and revision of information disclosure forms and franchise agreements, and acting as a dispute mediation application. , refers to a system introduced to provide management and legal services for the overall franchise business, including information disclosure registration registration application agency.


2. Appraiser

Appraisers fairly investigate, calculate, finalize, and issue certificates in a neutral position on requests from shipping companies, shippers, insurance companies, and other third parties, and provide information on the quantity, volume, weight, and condition related to cargo, ships, transportation equipment, and shipping. , performs the work of investigating, inspecting, assessing, verifying, and issuing certificates for quality, damage, and damages.


In addition, in the event of an overseas dispute or damage, foreign clients fulfill their legal obligations as a third-party appraiser by requesting measurements and appraisal reports.


3. Appraiser

Appraisal refers to determining the economic value of tangible and intangible assets such as real estate and personal property, land, buildings, machinery, aircraft, ships, securities, and goodwill, and expressing the results in value.


Appraisers conduct surveys/evaluations of standard land related to publicly announced land prices notified annually by the government, re-evaluation of assets related to requests from businesses, evaluation of land and personal property related to requests from financial institutions, insurance companies, and trust companies, housing complexes, etc. We will carry out public works such as the creation of industrial complexes and road construction.


After obtaining a license, an appraisal firm, an appraisal office, an organization that supervises appraisal work, a real estate-related department of a company,

You can advance into real estate consulting.

4. Calibrator 국가 자격증 종류

The weighing industry deals with liquid cargo, products such as grains, gaseous cargo, and various storage tanks among the shipment cargo according to internationally agreed upon contracts.

The volume or weight of the cargo is fairly calculated and measured by a third party, not an interested party, and a notarized certification is made.

In the event of an international dispute, damage, etc., foreign clients request a measurement and appraisal report, acting as a third party measurement and measurement report.

It satisfies the legal effect.

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When loading or unloading cargo, we perform the task of calculating or verifying the volume or weight of the cargo.


5. Inspector

The inspection service calculates the exact number, confirms the condition, and proves the delivery of all cargo, including loading, unloading, and transshipment, from the consignor to the consignee, and protects the rights and interests of shipping companies and consignors in case of cargo accidents. This refers to the task of clearly distinguishing and certifying the location of disputes and responsibilities between trading parties through an inspection sheet prepared by an inspector as notarized data that proves fairness and accuracy from the perspective of an objective third party.


When loading or unloading cargo, the inspector calculates the number of cargoes or certifies delivery/acceptance.


6. Auctioneer

In accordance with the Act on Distribution and Price Stabilization of Agricultural and Fishery Products, the auctioneer is appointed by a wholesale market corporation or by an agricultural and marine products public marketplace or a private agricultural and marine product wholesale market establishment and performs tasks such as price evaluation of listed agricultural and marine products and determination of successful bidders.


We perform tasks such as determining auction priorities for agricultural and marine products listed by wholesale market corporations, price evaluation of agricultural and marine products listed by wholesale market corporations, and determining successful candidates for agricultural and marine products listed by wholesale market corporations.


7. Security instructor
Since it was introduced in the top 5 popularity rankings for professional certifications, the explanation will be omitted.


8. Management instructor

Management advisors provide comprehensive diagnosis (management consulting) on small and medium-sized business management issues, and provide human resources, organization, and labor management services in corporate management.