구글플레이 환불 How to refund or cancel Google Play Store payment!

Many agency companies are coming out when you search for refund or cancellation of payment in Google Play Store.

(Review is below) 구글플레이 환불

All mobile games such as the recent Girls’ War, Warriors of the Three Kingdoms, and Refund of the Three Kingdoms are available (excluding some domestic game companies such as Nexon, NC, and Com2uS)

구글플레이 환불

The Google refund period is up to 120 days. 비지니스헬퍼

The fee is a deferred payment system that is deposited after confirming that the refund has been approved in the Google Play Store payment history.

(For payment methods such as check cards and Kakao Pay, where cash is withdrawn immediately, you can deposit money after confirming that it has been entered into your account)

In addition to this, there are many other reviews and information on refund agency on the blog, so please refer to it!

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Google payment refund simple review!
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For small payments made within 48 hours in the Google Play Store, you can easily refund or cancel through the link below. It is usually highly likely that a refund will be accepted at the same time as the application. You can refund not only games, but also all payments made on Google.

Request a refund for a Google Play purchase – Android – Google Play Help
Request a refund for a Google Play purchase If it’s been less than 48 hours since you bought an app or made an in-app purchase: You can request a refund through Google Play. If you bought movies, books, or other content: You may be able to request a refund more than 48 hours after your purchase (che…


1. Check the account you used to purchase from the link above. If it is correct, click Yes.

2. You will see the payment details one by one, but if you check the item you want to refund and request it, it will be refunded immediately or you will be notified of the result after review.

3. If you have multiple payment details, you can repeat the above process. The progress is also shown in the corresponding link, and the result usually comes out after 24 hours.

Most of the payments made in mobile games are a lot of money, and in this case, it is better to get help from experts.

Game companies do not refund items and goods that have already been used.

However, Google, a platform provider for games, supports exceptional refunds regardless of whether the item is used or not without going through the game company.

Occasionally, there are some companies that advertise 100% approval rate and full refund, but it is important for companies to have a lot of customers come, so advertisements are advertisements, but in reality they are not.

Please refer to the link below for more details!

How to Know and Avoid Google Refund Agency
These days, there are a lot of Google refund agency advertisements in Korea. 100% full refund from the US headquarters, sponsorship of famous BJs, etc., covered Naver…


So let’s start the review.

(I used the Kakao Friends capture function to protect personal information)

This is the person asking for a refund for a game called Tower of Fantasy that I paid for on the Google Play Store.

If there is no refund history and automatic payment is made, most refunds work well.

Even if you have a history or fingerprint or password authentication every time you make a payment, it is likely to work well if you have a lot of recent payments.

To proceed, simply fill out the application form.

You do not have to worry about your personal information as the application form cannot be viewed except by the administrator and will be discarded after the refund process is completed.

It looks like you entered the wrong password and let me know again.

Press Yes on your mobile phone notification and select a number is a Google login authentication procedure.

If you pay by phone or credit card, there are many parts that are canceled if you pay for the current month, so you should prepare the fee in advance.

With check cards, Kakao Pay, Naver Pay, etc., cash is immediately transferred to the account within 1 to 2 hours after approval, so it is okay to give it back.

Results may be immediate in 30 minutes or may take 1-3 days.

You can deposit the fee after checking the result.

Regardless of what you paid for, refunds will be processed in each payment method.

Results came out the same day.

In the past, there was no such thing as a second car, and I wrote that the second car was a scam, but now there is a second car due to a change in Google’s refund policy.

It was added again the next day. Please understand that this is a Google refund method to receive as much as possible.

Check or KakaoPay money comes into your account right away, but in the case of mobile phone payments, the previous month’s bill is processed the next month, so even if approved, the actual processing may take some time.

In the last 3 rounds, you got almost all of the money refunded. This review was divided into 3 rounds over 3 days, but there are many cases where it is done at once.

At the bottom, I will finish the review by uploading a capture of Google Play Store payment refund and canceled payment details.

We recommend that you choose a company that publishes and consistently posts watermarked authorized captures, such as the ones below.



There are many other real reviews in the blog category below, as well as articles on how to refund and cancel Google Play Store payments, so please refer to it and thank you for watching until the end.