공동구매 항공권 예매방법(feat. 모두투어, 하나투어) How to reserve group tickets (feat. Mode Tour, Hana Tour)

The best way to travel cheaply is to purchase airline tickets well in advance of your travel dates. They call it early bird. And there is another way to purchase airline tickets at a discounted price. This means purchasing a group ticket. This is a novel way to purchase airline tickets at up to 70% discount. Today, we will find out what this group purchase airline ticket is and how to purchase and make a reservation.

공동구매 항공권

공동구매 항공권


What is a group purchase flight ticket?

To put it simply, group-purchased airline tickets refer to airline tickets purchased in advance by travel agencies from airlines. Of course, if you buy in bulk, the price becomes cheaper. This is usually the type of ticket that travel agencies use for package tours. No matter how much an individual buys in advance, it will not be easy to purchase airline tickets cheaper than through a travel agency.


Where can I buy group purchase airline tickets?
For group-purchased airline tickets, travel agencies often sell excess seats that cannot be sold yet. Usually, there are many cases of airline tickets that are difficult to sell because the deadline is approaching, or tickets that cannot be used for a package because the quantity is ambiguous. Each travel agency sells these remaining airline tickets at low prices. Usually, if you search for ‘group purchase airline tickets’ in the search bar, several sites will be found. Each travel agency sells it under a slightly different name. Let’s find out one by one, shall we?


1. Hana Tour group purchase airline tickets

Share Hana Tour flight products

Last-minute airline tickets: Airline tickets for which Hana Tour sells group seats that have been contracted with the airline in advance

Hana Tour, Korea’s leading travel agency, also sells group purchase airline tickets. Since it is a large travel agency, it probably handles many areas, right? Then there’s a good chance we have tickets to where we want to go. Hana Tour is selling it under the name of a last-minute ticket.

2. Modetour group purchase airline tickets

Group purchase airline tickets


Hana Tour and Modetour, the two major domestic travel companies, sell group-purchased airline tickets.

3. Missed airline tickets from Misshappy.com


Skip to list of missed tickets by city Top 6 missed tickets this week Itinerary Incheon (ICN) – Dalat (Vietnam) (DLI) [Departure date] 2024.01.03 ~ 2024.01.06 [Validity period] 4 days [Itinerary] Round trip KRW 499,000 Make a reservation with Korean Air Itinerary Incheon (ICN) – Hiroshima (HIJ)

This is a last-minute airline ticket from the last-minute ticket from the last-minute travel company, Dangury.com. Group-purchased airline tickets are sold as missed tickets. Not only airline tickets but also last-minute trips are sold under the same concept as group-purchased airline tickets. For those who are not averse to the package, it would be a good idea to use the skip-the-line package.


4. Interpark Tour missed ticket

Interpark Tour


Interpark Tour also sells tickets under the name of last-minute airline tickets.


5. Skyscanner’s last minute flight tickets



Skyscanner sells last-minute flight tickets. Skyscanner is the place to find all airline tickets around the world, so don’t forget to check it out and get a group ticket.


What are the disadvantages of group purchasing airline tickets?
Group purchase airline tickets offer a lot of discounts, but they also have a big drawback. First, because you have to purchase a flight ticket at the last minute, you often don’t have enough time to reserve accommodation or plan your trip thoroughly. Also, since there are not airline tickets for all schedules, the biggest disadvantage is that you have to match your travel schedule to the airline ticket schedule. Since it is a leftover(?) airline ticket that has been sold, the quantity is not sufficient, so it is almost impossible to use it when there are a lot of people traveling, which can also be considered a major disadvantage. Since group purchase tickets have a set schedule, one-way purchases are not possible, so please be sure to check this as well. Despite the many shortcomings, I think it is a great way to enjoy a trip at a very low price for travelers who have a flexible schedule and are ready to leave at any time.


Things to keep in mind when purchasing group airline tickets
Group purchase airline tickets also have different prices on different sites, so be sure to compare before purchasing. Continuous monitoring is necessary because airline tickets come and go from time to time. Prices are constantly changing, so you have to be diligent to get cheaper airline tickets! You can do it~!!!