gs25 반값택배 보내는법 How to send gs25 convenience store regular courier and half-price courier

gs25 반값택배 보내는법The half-price courier service is a low-cost courier service that can be delivered even on holidays, and is a service that can be used at a lower price of 1,600 won than regular courier by sending it to the branch gs convenience store. However, there is a slight difference in shipping cost depending … Read more

gs25 반값택배 보내는법 gs25 half price courier price and how to send half price courier

gs25 half-price courier service is a service that allows you to use domestic courier service at a low price by utilizing the gs25 logistics infrastructure. You can receive it at the designated gs25 convenience store or BOX25 box instead of home delivery, and the biggest advantage is that reception and delivery are accepted through the … Read more