국민카드 재발급 How to apply for reissuance of KB Kookmin Card

국민카드 재발급I recently lost my Kookmin Card and applied for a replacement. There are many ways to reissue, such as visiting a bank directly, reporting the loss through ARS, and applying for reissuance. Kookmin Card Reissuance First, download the ‘KB Kookmin Card’ app. After that, proceed in the following order. How to reissue Kookmin Card … Read more

국민카드 재발급 How to apply for reissuance of KB Kookmin Card

국민카드 재발급Kookmin Card Reissuance First, download the ‘KB Kookmin Card’ app. After that, proceed in the following order. How to reissue Kookmin Card 1. Run the KB Kookmin Card application. 2. Click My Cards menu. 3. Click Reissue Request. 4. For identity verification, we proceed with ID, mobile phone, and account verification. 5. After applying … Read more