파리바게뜨 기프티콘 사용법 I exchanged the Paris Baguette Cake Gifticon for another product.

파리바게뜨 기프티콘 사용법2021. 12. 23. 20:00 hello This is Juju Mom UDM ​ I had my birthday last month Everyone gets a lot of gift coupons on your birthday, right? I think I got a lot of cake gifticons too ​ But for a birthday, one cake is enough Change one and eat it, and … Read more

파리바게뜨 기프티콘 사용법 Paris Baguette Christmas Pre-Reservation Method (Cake Type, Price, and Use of Goods/Gifticon)

파리바게뜨 기프티콘 사용법I wanted to have a home party for Christmas, so I looked for cakes, but all of them cost well over 40,000 won. There were a lot of Paris Baguette gifticons, and the price seemed reasonable, so I pre-ordered a Pava cake to use the coupon. Paris Baguette Christmas Cake Pre-orders are accepted … Read more