t 전화 녹음 파일 Samsung Galaxy T phone automatic call recording file location easy check

t 전화 녹음 파일▶ Please tell me the location of the call recording file. Storage/Recordings/TphonecallRecords ▶ Do you really need to know the file location? Even if you don’t know, there is no big problem in sharing recorded files.

This information was confirmed in the Galaxy Note 20 Android 13 version.

Unlike the Galaxy series Android phones, the iPhone does not yet support call recording. The reason is that Apple, the headquarters of the iPhone, is located in California, so they say that the call recording function cannot be installed according to the laws of the region… I’m anticipating it. However, Android phones have supported call recording in the past and now, and both the basic phone app and the T phone app can record calls. As the Android version goes up, some of the methods have changed for security reasons, but it is still possible to record calls, but I would like to simply check where the saved file is located and whether it is necessary to know.
The T phone creates a file after the call recording is completed, and the corresponding location is as follows.

1. Run the My Files app ▶ Built-in storage ▶ Check the call recording file in Recent Files

2. Call recording file location: Storage space/Recordings/TphonecallRecords

It’s not easy for people who don’t know cell phones to do the above, so we have to use another method, but it’s another way to share call recording files.

Assuming that call recording is activated by selecting recent records on the mobile phone and selecting a desired phone number, there is a call recording for each record like this.

Select any one and press the upper right dot to select Share Audio File.

After selecting the desired call history, share it with KakaoTalk messenger. To prevent mistakes, let’s share with our own chat.

The call recording file has been uploaded to my chat room. Since there is an expiration date for sharing the file, you can download and save it separately or re-share it to others as soon as possible.

We have learned how to easily check the location of the Samsung Galaxy T phone’s automatic call recording storage file. Personally, I think the second method is better.
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t 전화 녹음 파일
