마이크로소프트 팀즈 삭제 Uninstall Windows 11 Microsoft Teams

Microsoft has a strong attachment to its videoconferencing app, Teams, and I’m sure users will too. However, there are times when the Teams window appears immediately after booting up the PC, which is annoying. In that case, there is a way to disable Teams from running automatically without deleting it completely. ​ In Windows 10 … Read more

청춘대로 톡톡카드 Starbucks 50% discount KB Chungchun-daero Talk Talk Card

#Credit card #tk tok ​ I had a loan at KB Bank, so I was issued a Toktok among KB Kookmin Credit Cards in order to receive a preferential interest rate. ​ It was written that the card issued by Toss would refund 120,000 won, but… ​ I felt that the benefits were a bit … Read more

근로소득원천징수영수증 발급 you want to receive a receipt for income withholding tax

One of the documents required when changing a job or going to a financial institution to get a loan is a ‘income withholding receipt’. The new company often requires the relevant documents to confirm the salary level of the previous employer, and financial institutions to determine the income level of this person. However, even if … Read more

해외주식 양도소득세 신고 방법 How to self-report foreign stock capital gains tax

Hello, I’m a two-person family. We share information on how to self-report foreign stock capital gains tax in FY21 The Doo Doo family using Samsung Securities filed a foreign stock transfer tax return on their behalf last year. The transfer tax was handled as a self-report after the deadline for reporting the transfer tax on … Read more

아이폰 html 파일 열기 Open with iPhone Secure Mail app html

You can now open html files without difficulty. You can also edit it using the editor. Notepad limitations There are many people who want to open an html file using Notepad. It is recommended to use Notepad for simple verification purposes. However, it can be confusing to make corrections. It’s hard to tell the difference … Read more

KB모바일인증서 발급 KB Kookmin KB Mobile Certificate Issuance

In the case of KB Kookmin Bank, in addition to the joint certificate, By using the KB mobile certificate, which is used by KB Star Banking, You can make banking transactions through the app or internet banking. The KB mobile certificate can also be used at the National Tax Service. The process of getting the … Read more

2022년 기초생활수급자 조건 receiving the Basic Livelihood Recipient

Conditions for Basic Livelihood Recipients in 2022 Korea’s welfare policy has already been I’m on a world-class level. 2022년 기초생활수급자 조건 The most representative example is the National Health Insurance and Social security systems such as the National Pension based on the redistribution of wealth and Improving the quality of life that is not limited … Read more

유튜브 바로가기 만들기 how to create a YouTube shortcut

hello. Today we are going to learn how to create a YouTube shortcut. These days, you are using YouTube, which is completely trending. Not only children but also adults are seeing a tremendous increase in the use of YouTube. In addition, these days, children are searching for YouTube instead of Naver, and it has been … Read more

국민은행 통장사본 Get a copy of your bankbook on your

Kookmin Bank mobile passbook copy hello. I use Kookmin Bank Smart Banking frequently. I need a copy of my bankbook! uh? I don’t have a bank account? I was wondering if I should get my passbook reissued. 국민은행 통장사본 You can get a copy of your passbook from the Kookmin Bank app. How to save … Read more