KB모바일인증서 발급 KB Kookmin KB Mobile Certificate Issuance

In the case of KB Kookmin Bank, in addition to the joint certificate, By using the KB mobile certificate, which is used by KB Star Banking, You can make banking transactions through the app or internet banking. The KB mobile certificate can also be used at the National Tax Service. The process of getting the … Read more

2022년 기초생활수급자 조건 receiving the Basic Livelihood Recipient

Conditions for Basic Livelihood Recipients in 2022 Korea’s welfare policy has already been I’m on a world-class level. 2022년 기초생활수급자 조건 The most representative example is the National Health Insurance and Social security systems such as the National Pension based on the redistribution of wealth and Improving the quality of life that is not limited … Read more

유튜브 바로가기 만들기 how to create a YouTube shortcut

hello. Today we are going to learn how to create a YouTube shortcut. These days, you are using YouTube, which is completely trending. Not only children but also adults are seeing a tremendous increase in the use of YouTube. In addition, these days, children are searching for YouTube instead of Naver, and it has been … Read more

국민은행 통장사본 Get a copy of your bankbook on your

Kookmin Bank mobile passbook copy hello. I use Kookmin Bank Smart Banking frequently. I need a copy of my bankbook! uh? I don’t have a bank account? I was wondering if I should get my passbook reissued. 국민은행 통장사본 You can get a copy of your passbook from the Kookmin Bank app. How to save … Read more