병적증명서 인터넷 발급 Issuance of medical certificate online

A medical certificate is a document that proves the fact of military service related to military service. In particular, all men in Korea are required to do military service, and there are many cases in which a military record certificate is required to find a job after serving in the military. So, today, I’m going … Read more

삼성카드 비밀번호 변경 Samsung Pay Gyeonggi local currency registration… Enter and change card password)

Useful tips today to convey Write a post. ​ If you are a Galaxy smartphone user 삼성카드 비밀번호 변경 a lot of samsung pay You would use it. 이베이스매뉴얼 ​ To use Samsung Pay fingerprint or password You must enter it to use it. ​ ​ Samsung Pay password today how to change I’ll guide … Read more

삼성카드 다이렉트오토 후기 Samsung Card Direct Auto Quote Confirmation Review

oh!! If someone came to check this article, I think it would look like this After my first child was born, and after much effort, my second child was born in August of last year, 4 years after my first child was born~ I was really happy and in a good mood. 삼성카드 다이렉트오토 후기 … Read more

삼성카드 연회비 면제 6 types of Samsung Card annual fee cashback event

Simple and pretty card recommendation, annual fee waived Samsung Card 4 with good discount benefits without previous month’s performance ​ Hello, I’m Chung. ​ I recently switched to the iPhone 13 mini. I also bought the MagSafe card wallet. 삼성카드 연회비 면제 This is a card I found while looking for a pretty card that … Read more

삼성페이 교통카드 How to take a transportation card for Samsung Pay (registration)

삼성페이 교통카드   1. Samsung Pay Transportation Card Registration To use Samsung Pay transportation card, you must register your transportation card with Samsung Pay first. STEP 1) Install the Samsung Pay app Download the Samsung Pay app To install Google Play (Android) 👉🏻 STEP 2) After running the app, select the upper left button. Top … Read more

20대 적금 추천 Welcome Savings Bank Special Edition Recommendation for 20 installment savings

20대 적금 추천   hi~ This is the opening statement for N-job workers The higher the standard interest rate, the more people recommend installment savings in their 20s Interest on savings banks in the second financial sector, which is perfect, also goes up He’s a good son over stocks and real estate ​ Starting this … Read more

운전면허 벌점 소멸 Driver’s license demerit points

Violation of traffic rules such as traffic violations, parking violations, and speeding will result in demerit points. However, if these demerit points accumulate, your license may be suspended or even revoked, so you need to manage your own demerit points well. If you exceed 40 demerit points, your license will be suspended. If your license … Read more

삼성카드 할부수수료 Recommended new car installment, Samsung Card Direct Auto

From the days when my husband lived alone to when we were dating, we spent almost 140,000 kilos with (old) Bung-Bungi… Fortunately, it was used cleanly without any major accidents, so there was no problem in driving, but the rattling vibration you feel when you get in the car and lol After spending days worrying … Read more