ktx 정기권 가격There is a discount effect of more than 50%. If you are a regular user, you should definitely use it to save money!
Based on Mugunghwa, it is 4,900 won. If the round-trip price is 4,900 × 2 (return) × 5 (5 days a week) × 4 (4 weeks a month) = 196,000 won per month for 5 days a week. We’ll show you how.
Duration Freestyle can be set within one month. You can choose to purchase a regular commuter pass for 10 days or 1 month. Prices for 1 month are as follows.
That’s 76,000 won! The price is 120,000 won cheaper than 196,000 won!
If there is a downside, please note that the seats are not arranged separately, so you have to sit in an empty seat. However, there is a huge difference in price, so it’s better to use it for a commuter pass than to apply for a ticket every time? KTX, Saemaeul, and Mugunghwa all sections This is possible, so please try it.