KB캐피탈 자동차 담보대출 내차로 Comparison of average interest rates and limits of KB Capital car loans and other credit loans | bank salad

KB캐피탈 자동차 담보대출 내차로credit loan
Refinance loan
mortgage loan
Jeonse loan
Loan interest coupon
credit score
free health screening
Health Insurance
car insurance
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The average interest rate changes depending on your credit score.
average interest rate
120 million won
loan interest rate
Minimum 3.8% per annum ~ Maximum 19.9% ​​per annum (Interest rates are applied differently depending on the customer’s credit score, etc.)
loan limit
Minimum KRW 2 million ~ Maximum KRW 120 million
loan period
12/24/36/48/60/72/84/96 months
interest rate type
fixed interest rate
Loan repayment method
Repayment in equal installments of principal and interest, repayment in equal installments of principal and interest after deferment
How to apply
Limit inquiry > Loan review/application > Customer agreement process > Remittance
delinquent interest rate
Loan interest rate + within 3%
(within the legal maximum interest rate)
Interest charging period
monthly after smell
(Interest must be paid on the interest payment date (every month))
Early repayment fee
0%~2% (differentially applied at the time of early repayment)
Application conditions
Own car owners (excluding joint names) Target vehicles: Domestic/imported passenger cars, RVs, vans, cargo (less than 3.5 tons) Vehicle model year: Within 10 years Market price: KRW 5 million or more
Required documents
additional fee
Stamp duty: If the loan amount exceeds 50 million won, 50% of the amount stipulated in the Stamp Duty Act (customer borne) Handling fee: None
– Loans may be limited depending on the condition of the vehicle. – This is a loan made with a vehicle mortgage, and the cancellation cost per vehicle mortgage is borne by the customer. (Setup costs are borne by our company) – Please refer to the product description and terms and conditions for loan-related details before concluding a loan contract. – Separate fees cannot be requested or collected from customers. – The method for calculating early repayment fees is on the KB Capital website ( Please refer to the personal finance product information (www.kbcapital.co.kr). – For loan products, no prepayment fee is charged if repaid early after 3 years from the date of establishment of the loan contract. – The loan amount may be excessive compared to the repayment ability. In this case, your personal credit score may drop. – If your personal credit score falls, you may face disadvantages related to financial transactions. – If you are overdue on principal and interest (loan or payment, etc.) for a certain period of time, you are obligated to repay all principal and interest. – If the loan is handled inappropriately (low personal credit score, delinquency (including short-term), etc.), the loan may be restricted. – Loan conditions are differentially applied depending on the collateral, type of collateral, etc., and the collateral is If it is not suitable, the loan may be restricted. – Financial consumers have the right to receive an explanation of the product or service pursuant to Article 19, Paragraph 1 of the Financial Services Act. – For other credit loan consultation, please call 1577-2223. .-Bank Salad Co., Ltd. represents or brokers KB Capital’s credit loan recruitment business.- Bank Salad Co., Ltd. represents or brokers a number of credit-specialized financial companies.- Bank Salad Co., Ltd. acts as an agent for KB Capital’s credit loan recruitment business. There is no authority to conclude contracts for financial products. – Bank Salad Co., Ltd. is a financial product sales agent/broker registered in accordance with financial-related laws.

KB캐피탈 자동차 담보대출 내차로
