K패스 신청 및 혜택(Kpass,K-PASS) K Pass application and benefits (Kpass, K-PASS)

You will receive a transportation card (K Pass) that allows you to accumulate 20-53% of your public transportation spending up to 60 times per month and receive it back the following month. This is very good news for those who use public transportation, as you can save up to 48,000 won per month and up to 576,000 won per year based on 1,500 won spent.K패스 신청

K패스 신청

How to apply for K Pass
How to apply for K Pass
How to apply for K Pass
How to apply for K Pass
How to apply for K Pass

1. Existing users of the economical transportation card
The existing card will be used as is after agreeing to the terms and conditions and membership conversion within the economical transportation card app.

(Detailed information scheduled from February)



▼ Android only ▼


Go to the economical transportation card app



▼ For iPhone only ▼


Go to the economical transportation card app



2. New users
From May 2024, select the transportation card product of your choice through the K-Pass official website or mobile application or through 11 card companies*

* Shinhan, Hana, Woori, Hyundai, Samsung, BC, KB Kookmin Bank, NH Nonghyup, T-money, Joy of Mobile, DGB U-Pay



▼ Go to K-Pass official website ▼


Go to K-Pass official website



Public transportation refund support project K Pass accumulated amount
Public transportation refund support project K Pass accumulated amount



What is K-Pass?


What is K-Pass?
What is K-Pass?
What is K-Pass?

Effective from May 2024

If you use public transportation more than 15 times a month, this is a transportation card that allows you to get back a certain percentage of the amount spent the next month.

This is a project to improve the inconveniences and expand the benefits of the economical transportation card currently in effect.


Category General youth low-income group
Accumulation rate 20% 30% 53.3%
Amount accumulated per time (based on a fee of 1,500 won) 300 won 450 won 800 won
Maximum monthly savings (60 times) 18,000 won 27,000 won 48,000 won
* Youth: Ages 19 to 34 according to the Framework Act on Youth

* Low-income group: Beneficiaries and next-highest tier according to the Basic Livelihood Security Act


Example) If you are a person who spends an average of 70,000 won on public transportation every month

General public: 14,000 won

Youth: 21,000 won

Low Income Office: 37,000 won

By saving in this way, you can save up to 170,000 to 440,000 won per year, and considering the card company’s additional discount (up to 10%), the transportation cost savings are very significant.


Comparison of economical transportation cards and K-Pass

Comparison of economical transportation cards and K-Pass
Comparison of economical transportation cards and K-Pass
Comparison of economical transportation cards and K-Pass
Comparison of economical transportation cards and K-Pass

Economical transportation card K-Pass
Accumulation method Proportional to moving distance Regardless of moving distance
Refund of a certain percentage of the amount spent
Departure and Arrival Records
(Dedicated app installation) Not required
Payment terms (monthly) Use public transportation at least 15 times and at most 60 times
176 participating regions 189

Unlike the economical transportation card, the K Pass is based on the number of public transportation rides and does not require the inconvenience of having to record it at departure and arrival.


As public transportation fares have increased nationwide, the financial burden of using public transportation has increased, but if you use the K Pass, you will be able to ease the burden of transportation costs anywhere in the country.