cu 편의점 택배 보내는 법 Summary of CU convenience store delivery methods, fares, and shipping standards

Convenience store delivery is the cheapest way to send parcels. GS25 and CU can send parcels to each convenience store and receive them at the convenience store instead of at home, so you can send half-price parcels and affordable parcels.

cu 편의점 택배 보내는 법

Among them, today, we will learn about the size, weight, freight and how to send affordable courier (Kiri courier) from SIU convenience store. cu 편의점 택배 보내는 법


CU convenience store delivery service 비니지스헬퍼
CU convenience store courier cost
Low-cost courier application criteria
how to send



Affordable courier fare
500g or less 1,800 won
500g ~ 1kg KRW 2,100
1kg ~ 5kg KRW 2,700
The courier fee is charged according to the weight. Therefore, depending on how heavy it is, the fare will be between 1,800 won and 2,700 won.


Criteria for affordable courier delivery
As you can see in the fare standard above, the weight must be less than 5 kg.

Also, for volume, the sum of the three sides of the box (width + length + height) must be 1m or less.

Only items with a value of less than KRW 500,000 can be shipped, and food and documents (other letters, etc.) cannot be shipped.

Convenience store delivery usually arrives within 2-5 days, and the closer the sending convenience store and the receiving convenience store are, the faster it arrives. When it arrives, the recipient and the sender know that it has arrived as KakaoTalk is sent from CUpost.




How to send cheap courier
We visit a nearby convenience store where CU delivery is possible, and we have finished packing the box. You can apply first through the kiosk, and after receiving the invoice, go to the store desk and show the invoice to pay. Let’s take a look at each method one by one.

CU convenience store delivery service
If you look at the kiosk, you can see that there is a separate reception for affordable delivery. Tap Accept Affordable Delivery

CU convenience store delivery service
CU convenience store delivery service
If you are a member, you can register as a member, and if you are a non-member, you can click the non-member registration. If you proceed as a non-member, there is on-site reception / non-member reservation.


After selecting on-site

CU convenience store delivery service
Place the delivery box on the scale and weigh it. After completing the weight measurement, you can choose which items to send by courier.

CU convenience store delivery service
CU convenience store delivery service
You can choose from four items: clothing, sundries, books, home appliances, and grain. If you select a different product from the product inside and a problem occurs, the courier company will not be liable for compensation, so please choose a category that matches the product inside.

CU convenience store delivery service
Then enter the product amount inside. This amount will be the standard for compensation in the event of a problem later, so write it down according to the facts. You can enter in units of 10,000 won. For less than 10,000 won, just enter 10,000 won.


After that, you just need to enter your shipping address information.

CU convenience store delivery service
CU convenience store delivery service
Enter the sender’s name, cell phone number, and address, and enter the recipient’s name, cell phone number, and convenience store to receive. The most important part is the convenience store to receive and the recipient’s information. Please write carefully so as not to make mistakes by mistake.


CU convenience store delivery service
CU convenience store delivery service
You can select the receiving convenience store through a search. One thing to be aware of is that there are places with similar store names, so it’s a good idea to choose the exact store name. For example, in the case of a place with many stores, such as Gangnam Branch / Gangnam Station Branch, there are cases where the store name is similar.


CU convenience store delivery service
CU convenience store delivery service
Afterwards, if you agree to the use of personal information and print out the invoice, you can take the printed invoice to the desk and pay. It comes as a sticker, the upper part is the part that can be attached to the courier box, and the lower sticker is for customer storage and must be shown when paying.

CU convenience store delivery service
Attach it to the courier box like this, show another piece of paper, and pay.


Affordable courier service seems to be a good courier delivery method that can minimize courier costs, which are often used when dealing with second-hand goods such as carrot market or used country. Delivery doesn’t come to the door, but I still think that a convenience store in the neighborhood comes almost to the door for the cost.


Today, we learned about SIU convenience store delivery service.