cgv 고객센터 전화번호 CGV Customer Center Phone Number Movie Voucher Is it possible to extend a movie ticket?

cgv 고객센터 전화번호CGV made it difficult to find the customer center phone number on the website. We will give you the phone number of the CGV Customer Center (CGV Customer Center), so please refer to it and make inquiries.

The phone number for CGV Customer Center is 1544-1122. For various inquiries, such as movie gift certificates and movie ticket extensions, you can make inquiries through the CGV Customer Center phone number.

Some people just throw away CGV movie gift certificates and movie tickets when their validity period has expired. If you contact the customer center, they will process the extension. Of course, there are cases in which event-related movie gift certificates and movie tickets cannot be extended. Event tickets can also be extended for about 3 months, so it’s a good idea to inquire. In addition, it is possible to extend a normally purchased CGV movie voucher or movie ticket even after several years, so it would be nice to use it instead of throwing away the ticket.

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cgv 고객센터 전화번호
