구글플레이 환불 Google Play Store refund method summary

구글플레이 환불Google Play Store Google has a 48-hour refund policy by default. If you request a refund within 48 hours, almost everything is refundable. It can be divided into two situations. – In case of refund within 48 hours Most refunds can be accepted upon request. Both paid app purchases and in-app payments are possible. … Read more

구글플레이 환불 How to refund or cancel Google Play Store payment!

Many agency companies are coming out when you search for refund or cancellation of payment in Google Play Store. (Review is below) 구글플레이 환불 All mobile games such as the recent Girls’ War, Warriors of the Three Kingdoms, and Refund of the Three Kingdoms are available (excluding some domestic game companies such as Nexon, NC, … Read more