보건증 인터넷 발급 Issuing and reissuing health certificates, and perfect organization of Internet issuance

Issuing and reissuing health certificates, and perfect organization of Internet issuance Hello ^^ African polar bear sharing useful information.   If you are in a restaurant or food-related business, or if you are employed, you must obtain a health certificate. Even if you work for a short period of time, you cannot work without a … Read more

보건증 인터넷 발급 및 발급병원 찾기 Issuing health certificates online and finding issuing hospitals

If you want to work at a restaurant or work part-time, you must have a health certificate to work. In other words, business operators and employees engaged in the food or entertainment industry must undergo a health examination and obtain a health certificate. Many people refer to it as a health certificate, which is a … Read more