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go. question
1. I work as a physical therapist. I joined the company with the decision to take full charge of basic and special treatment. I’ve been doing well for three years, but business is not going well, so the director suggested adding a treatment called manual therapy. I am the only physical therapist, and I said I would not do manual therapy because I could not handle 20 to 30 patients a day on my own. Accordingly, the director said that it would be necessary to hire someone to do manual treatment. So I asked if I could receive unemployment benefits since I said I would not do any additional work. The director said that manual therapy is something that physical therapists do anyway, so this level of change can be made by the employer, and that I cannot receive unemployment benefits. I thought I could hold out until I was fired, but I thought I could receive unemployment benefits unconditionally, but I’m wondering if I can’t receive it.
2. Even if the employer gives notice of dismissal one month in advance, will I not be able to receive unemployment benefits?
3. The director said that he could never give out unemployment benefits, so he would give something called a retirement support fund. What is this? Even when I searched on the internet, it didn’t come up. By any chance, does that subsidy refer to layoff notice allowance? They say they will give a few million won in support. Is that possible?
me. answer
1. If the work to be performed is not specifically stated in the employment contract, and it is within the scope of work that the client can perform, it will be difficult for the client to receive unemployment benefits if he or she voluntarily resigns for this reason.
2. If there is evidence of a notice of dismissal or statement of dismissal, that itself is grounds for receiving unemployment benefits (what you cannot receive is notice of dismissal allowance).
3. I think you are probably referring to retirement compensation. Severance pay is usually paid upon recommendation of resignation. If payment is conditional on the client submitting a letter of resignation, the client will not be eligible for unemployment benefits because the submission of the letter itself is classified as voluntary resignation.
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Federation of Korean Trade Unions (Northeastern Seoul Metropolitan City Workers’ Comprehensive Support Center) (02645) Room 805, Jangan Building, 6 Janghan-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul
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