IBK기업은행 고객센터 및 전화번호 IBK Industrial Bank customer center and phone number

Many people may think that only companies can use IBK Industrial Bank because of its name. We operate both personal banking and corporate banking. Those who are using or planning to use IBK Industrial Bank’s products such as deposits or loans should contact the call center if they have any questions. We will provide you with the IBK Industrial Bank customer center phone number, frequently asked questions, and regional branch location information.기업은행 고객센터

기업은행 고객센터

IBK Industrial Bank customer center phone number and other consultation information
If you have any questions or inconveniences regarding using IBK Industrial Bank of Korea, please contact the call center phone number below or use the email or chat consultation service.

Go to the customer center on the IBK Industrial Bank of Korea website


1. Telephone consultation

Industrial Bank of Korea Customer Center Phone Number: 1588-2588, 1566-2566

(When calling from overseas: 82-31-888-8000)


2. Email consultation

IBK Industrial Bank of Korea operates an email consultation corner. If you submit a question, you will receive an answer via email. (However, this is not a real-time consultation. If the customer leaves an inquiry at a convenient time, it will be processed after receiving it during banking hours.)


3. Chat consultation

You can get any questions you have through chat. Availability is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

IBK Industrial Bank Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
As mentioned above, if you have any questions, you can resolve the issue through phone/email/chat consultation. However, in addition to that, the IBK Industrial Bank of Korea website contains questions and answers frequently asked by customers. Before making a phone consultation, it would be very helpful to first check the list of FAQs to see if what you are looking for is included.

Go to IBK Industrial Bank Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

IBK-Industrial Bank of Korea-Frequently Asked Questions
IBK Industrial Bank branch location information by region
These days, most banking transactions are done through internet banking or mobile banking, so it is rare to visit an offline branch in person. However, there are times when you visit a branch to receive detailed consultation about opening an account or signing up for a loan product. The IBK Industrial Bank of Korea website has a menu that provides information on branch locations in each region across the country.

If you access the link below and select a region or search for a keyword, all related branches will be displayed in a list. From this list, you can check the branch name, address, and phone number at once.