신용정보조회서 발급 Increase your credit rating! How to issue and use a credit information inquiry form

How to increase your credit score
Credit score is an indicator that evaluates an individual’s creditworthiness and plays an important role in financial activities. A high credit score is advantageous in a variety of situations, including obtaining loans, issuing credit cards, and using rental services.

1. Regular credit information inquiry: 신용정보조회서 발급

It is important to check the status of your credit information by obt


신용정보조회서 발급aining a credit information inquiry at least once every six months. The credit information report includes factors that affect your credit score, such as payment history, debt utilization ratio, and credit period. Regular inquiries can help you understand your credit status and identify areas for improvement. 이베이스매뉴얼

2. Credit management efforts:

Preventing late payments and arrears: Be sure to keep credit card and loan payment dates and make efforts to prevent late payments and arrears. Late payments and late payments can significantly lower your credit score.
Manage your debt utilization ratio: It’s a good idea to keep your spending low compared to your credit card limit. High debt utilization can lower your credit score.
Extend your credit period: If you use credit cards and loans for a long time and repay them consistently, your credit period will lengthen and your credit score will increase.
Maintaining stable financial transactions: You must clearly manage your financial transaction details and be careful about using cards not in your name.
3. Improve credit card usage habits:

Lower your credit card limit: Lowering your credit card limit can help lower your debt utilization ratio.
Cancel unnecessary cards: It is a good idea to cancel any credit cards you are not using. Keeping unused cards also increases your debt utilization ratio.
Set up automatic transfer: We recommend setting up automatic transfer so you don’t miss your credit card payment due date.
4. Create a loan repayment plan:

Pay off your loan as quickly as possible: Paying off your loan balance as quickly as possible will improve your credit score.
Early repayment: If early repayment is possible depending on the loan product, it is recommended to actively take advantage of it.
Stable repayment plan: It is important to create a plan to repay consistently and stick to it.
5. Correction of credit information errors:

If there is an error in your credit information inquiry, you must apply for correction immediately. Errors in your credit information can unfairly lower your credit score.

6. Negotiations with financial institutions:

With a high credit score, you can negotiate with financial institutions to obtain more favorable loan terms, credit card limits, etc.

7. Participation in credit information management training:

Participating in credit information management training provided by the Financial Consumer Information Portal Center of the Financial Supervisory Service will help you obtain information on credit information management and learn how to increase your credit score.


Improving your credit score takes time. Taking out excessive loans or using credit cards to significantly increase your credit score in a short period of time can actually lower your credit score.
Be wary of illegal companies that claim to help you improve your credit score.

You can improve your credit score through consistent effort and prudent financial activities. A high credit score can give you an advantage in a variety of financial activities and can help you achieve financial stability.