주식 코인 물타기 계산기(feat 평단가 계산기) Stock coin floating calculator (feat average price calculator)

Today, I would like to introduce you to a calculator that is essential when trading stocks. When trading stocks, there are many times when you need to calculate return, loss rate, average price, split purchase, etc. Let’s take a look at useful calculation sites and the securities calculator provided by Kiwoom Young HTS HTS. We will help you earn efficient profits.

물타기 계산기

물타기 계산기

stock price calculator

Introduction to stock coin floating calculator site
How to use Kiwoom Hero Moon HTS stock calculator
How to calculate target rate of return with a stock calculator
Calculating water prices using a stock calculator

Introduction to stock coin floating calculator site

1. Toktok Stock Calculator: This is the most used by the most people and allows you to calculate the average stock price, quantity, rate of return, commission, etc. When buying or selling stock coins, you can calculate the target amount by calculating the rate of return and average price in advance. Instructions for use are detailed on the first page.

Stock Coin Liquidation Calculator

2. Web tools: This is a web tool that provides tools that can be used directly on the web, where various tools are located together. Although it is not as diverse as the Tok Tok stock calculator, it is intuitive and convenient to use.

Stock Coin Liquidation Calculator
Stock Coin Liquidation Calculator

How to use Kiwoom Hero Moon HTS stock calculator
In HTS, the stock calculator does not exist in many numbers.

How to key the stock calculator Function > Stock calculator (or press the shortcut key A while pressing the function)

stock price calculator
Kiwoom HTS Stock Calculator
stock price calculator
stock calculator


The photo above is a stock calculator that can be used at Kiwoom HTS. On this screen, you can calculate the orderable quantity, transaction settlement amount, and target profit rate.

What I use the most is calculating target return.



How to calculate target rate of return with a stock calculator
Utilizing the Kiwoom HTS stock calculator (stock calculator)
Stock calculator target rate of return calculation
If you go to the target rate of return tab at the top of the stock calculator, you can calculate how much you need to sell it at to make a 10% profit (target price calculation), as well as how much you need to sell it for and what percent return you can achieve (return rate calculation). The best thing about this is that it calculates the fees as well. The first tab, Calculate Orderable Quantity, allows you to calculate how many weeks you can buy with the amount you want.


stock price calculator
Calculate orderable quantity
The example above calculates that 614 shares of stock worth 4,880 won can be purchased with 3 million won.

Calculating water prices using a stock calculator
The following is a sales settlement amount calculator that is useful when rebalancing.

When buying or selling, you can use the trade settlement amount tab as shown in the chart below.


stock price calculator
stock price calculator
Securities calculator trading settlement amount
Enter the buy/sell quantity and unit price> Calculate> Add cumulative

When you buy or sell at Kangwon Energy, you can see at a glance how much you bought and sold. Since the commission rate may vary slightly from person to person, the commission rate can also be changed. The reason why the commission rate is slightly different for each individual is because Kiwoom provides various benefits if you trade over a certain amount. One of them is lowering the commission rate. The commission rate is not automatically lowered, but if the requirements are met, you can call Kiwoom and request a lower commission rate. Good tip, right?

stock price calculator
stock price calculator
stock price calculator

Here are some Kiwoom HTS tips on how to use the stock calculator. I hope you find this helpful. I hope everyone succeeds!