신탁원부 인터넷 발급 Trust ledger internet issuance method Apply with 0 won cost | sky love

신탁원부 인터넷 발급We will introduce you to the method of issuing a trust ledger online. When purchasing a house or taking out a loan, there are many cases where it is necessary to issue a trust ledger. I also had the experience of being at a loss at first because I did not know how to issue a trust ledger online.

Based on my experience, I will explain very simply so that you can issue a trust ledger online without any confusion.
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We will explain not only how to issue a trust ledger online, but also a simple explanation of terms, so if you are familiar with it, you will be able to use it without difficulty in the future. One thing to note is that it is cheaper to go directly to the registry office.

A collateral trust is one of the products used by real estate trust companies that can replace mortgages. For the purpose of providing collateral to the person seeking a loan, ownership is transferred and a collateral trust certificate is issued, which can then be provided to the bank as collateral.
A management trust can be said to be a financial business that receives property from a trustor and manages it. We entrust land and buildings and handle various tasks, including rent.

1. Search for Internet Trust Ledger on Naver or Google. Then, you will find a homepage called Internet Trust Ledger Issuance Electronic Civil Service or Internet Civil Document Service. Both locations are available, so please click on the location you want.

2. When you go to the Internet Trust Register Electronic Civil Service website, the screen appears as shown below. Please click on the real estate registration/ledger related documents menu here.

3. The real estate-related document application screen will appear. Please carefully fill in the parts marked in red. Please be sure to enter your name as the applicant and a phone number where you can be reached at any time.
In the issuing address, please enter the address of the place where you wish to receive the trust ledger. Please select a delivery method that is convenient for you to receive. If you can print, email will probably be easier.

4. This screen is the online civil service document application screen. Once the information you entered is confirmed, you can make the final fee payment. I got 12,800 won.
The password is made up of the last number of the cell phone number entered in the phone number, so it is 4 digits. The password is different, so I recommend that you write it down.

5. If the screen below appears when payment is completed, your application has been completed properly.

So far, we have introduced in detail the online issuance of trust ledgers. We recommend that you do this from the comfort of your home as long as you have internet access, without having to go to the registry office in person.
Thank you for reading until the end, and we will strive to provide more useful information in the future. thank you
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