인천공항 주차요금 I looked into Incheon Airport parking fees, short-term parking, and long-term parking fees: This is helpful information.

인천공항 주차요금When I go to Incheon Airport, I usually take a limousine. When we go with more than 3 people, we drive. So, I organized Incheon Airport parking fees into short-term parking and long-term parking.

Incheon Airport parking fee information
24,000 won per day

9,000 won per day
12,000 won per day

10,000 won per day

12,000 won per day

As shown above, short-term parking at Incheon Airport starts at 1,200 won for the basic 30 minutes and costs 600 won for every additional 15 minutes. Although it is close to the passenger terminal, parking is 24,000 won per day, so long-term parking is cheaper if you park for more than 1 day.

Notes on parking at Incheon Airport

Vehicles parked long-term for more than 1 day must use the long-term parking lot.
The short-term parking lot is for passenger vehicles only (vehicle height limit of 2.1m or less).
Long-term parking includes off-site parking and temporary parking.
Short-term parking rates apply to the Incheon International Airport Corporation (headquarters) parking lot at Passenger Terminal 1 and the 2nd Joint Building parking lot at Passenger Terminal 2.

Vehicles are divided into small and large. If we look at small vehicles, they are all passenger cars, buses with 15 passengers or less, and cargo vehicles with a payload of 1 ton or less. Large refers to buses carrying 16 or more people and trucks exceeding 1 ton.

We will also learn about how to settle parking fees. Personally, I find mobile app settlement to be the fastest and most convenient.

Settlement using advance unmanned fee adjustment machine

1. Search for your vehicle number on the pre-installed unmanned fare adjustment machine installed in the parking lot.
2. Pay the amount displayed on the device and receive a receipt.
(Cash, prepaid card, credit card, transportation card, Hi-Pass card available)
3. Use the manned or unmanned exit to exit the car without any additional procedures.

Settlement using mobile app

1. Download the Incheon Airport guide app.
(Available for both Android and iOS operating systems)
2. Enter your vehicle number in ‘Transportation/Parking-Parking Fee Payment’.
3. Select a vehicle and pay.
4. Use the manned or unmanned exit to exit the car without any additional procedures.

Settlement using manned booths

1. Please move to the manned booth.
2. Enter the manned exit, pay the fare and exit.
(Cash, prepaid card, credit card, transportation card, Hi-Pass card available)

Settlement using an unmanned booth

1. Please move to the unmanned booth.
2. Pay the fare displayed at the exit automatic payment machine.
(Prepaid card, credit card, transportation card, Hi-Pass card can be used
3. Leave the car after paying the fee.

What are the conditions for Incheon Airport parking fee reduction?

Type 1, Type 2 50%
3 types 20%

To ensure transparency in parking fee reductions by public institutions, we secure copies (scans) of related documents (vehicle registration, resident registration card, driver’s license), in accordance with Article 9 (Securing the Safety of Personal Information) of the Act on Personal Information of Public Institutions. We would like to inform you that it is thoroughly secure.
Commercial vehicles (call vans, taxis, etc.) are excluded from the discount. However, if you present documents proving that you are using your commercial vehicle for personal purposes rather than business, you may receive a discount on parking fees.
If a person eligible for a discount pays the regular rate due to insufficient documentation, a refund can be processed within 30 days (including weekends and public holidays) upon proof of relevant documents. Please note that refunds are not possible after the time has elapsed.
When boarding from the terminal rather than the parking lot, please use the disabled boarding and disembarking area (road 3A outside the departure level on the 3rd floor).
(Exemption for multi-child households) In order to minimize required documents and improve user convenience, the discount standards for multi-child households have been changed (May 24, 2019), and quick on-site exemption is possible simply by presenting the multi-child preferential card and vehicle registration certificate.

We have learned about discount benefits and fee settlement methods starting with Incheon Airport parking fees.

인천공항 주차요금
