휴대폰 전화번호 백업 The easiest way to transfer cell phone contacts is to automatically backup your address book.

휴대폰 전화번호 백업This time, I will introduce you to an easy way to transfer your cell phone contacts. There are certain things we must do when changing cell phone devices. This is the process of backing up and restoring your address book by transferring cell phone contacts.

In the past, transferring mobile phone contacts was often done through a USB connection or using a mobile phone driver program, but now it is possible to back up address books very easily through mobile phone contact transfer apps.

Today, we are introducing the easiest way to transfer cell phone contacts, so if you want an automatic phone backup app for your cell phone address book, download and use the backup app at the bottom!

Learn how to backup and restore phone contacts

First of all, let me tell you that there are various ways to transfer cell phone contacts other than this method. However, if you download the mobile phone contact transfer app introduced in this article, your address book will be automatically backed up, so you can use it conveniently as it is automatically synchronized without having to back up and restore each time you change your phone.

The easiest way to transfer cell phone contacts introduced in this article is to use the Naver Address Book app. You can download and use it for both iPhone and Android phones, and it is provided for free.

Using this app, you can import your contacts from any phone you use, and it also has a function to organize duplicate contacts. If you want to use it, please download the Naver Address Book app.

Easily transfer iPhone photos to computer
Easily transfer iPhone photos to computer
This time, I will introduce how to transfer iPhone photos to a computer. These days, as cell phone camera functions have improved greatly, people often take pictures with their smartphones rather than using cameras.

There are two main ways to back up cell phone contacts using the Naver Address Book app. One is real-time synchronization mode, in which contacts registered on your phone are automatically backed up and automatically deleted when deleted.

The advantage of using this feature is that you can easily manage your address book because you will have the same contacts on all devices where you install this address book app. Another big advantage is that it automatically backs up without you having to worry about it.

However, in some cases, you may not want them to be backed up automatically. Just as you use separate work and personal cell phones, you may want to separate your address books.

In this case, you can use the mobile phone address book backup-only mode. This is a feature that allows you to download and import only when you want, and if you want to synchronize in real time while using this feature, you can switch to it with one click.

You can choose the one that suits you among the two methods introduced above and use it. And the address book uploaded in this way can be managed and checked on a PC by entering the Naver address book.

It is easier to manage groups, such as designating them, through a computer than on a cell phone, so please use it this way if necessary. We hope that your questions have been answered and we have introduced you to how to transfer your cell phone contacts. thank you

휴대폰 전화번호 백업
